As i don't hav time to do tutorials in php and java etc, im hoping people can hope me out by giving me snippets and small lessons on how to do what i'm trying to do.
first thing on agenda: I need to make an image gallery... i know the long and hard way of doing it in HTML, but im sure theres away of doing it as a single page, where the visitor clicks "next" and the page refreshes showing the new image and its details, instead of having to make a new page for every one. Snippts/complete code useful ^_^
It's pretty sad that school says it's helping my career when in fact its doing the opposite, i just wanna get on with my work n programming etc instead of learning things that i don't need to know. The sooner im out of my school and just doing the subjects i find relevant at A level the better. watch this space for the first ever calculator to show the working out. also look out for our first game-