I've been wrestling with object problems. Worldmaker is now using 5.5 beta. Sometimes, when I load an .x object and scale it or color it, it loses its normals. If I scale it in another program and then load it into a dbp program, its fine.
I made a few changes in the womload function so that you can make a .wom file for a problem object without losing the normals, if you don't scale or color the object while making the .wom.
Also - the latest version of Worldmaker makes a world without using a matrix, if that's your choice. It also makes and saves a .dba file specific to that world, if you like. Worldload.dba still works as a universal loader. There are many other small changes to make it easier to use. Now, when you open the program you open a new world. Menu buttons are hidden if they don't apply to what you're doing at the moment.
Awfuldark Forest