Let me know if anyone finds any bugs in it.
REM 2D ball physics using vectors
REM Coded by: Phaelax (Phaelax@hotmail.com)
REM Website: http://www.dbspot.com/krytek/
randomize timer()
velocity# = 2
type ball
x as float
y as float
r as float
vx as float
vy as float
angle as float
amount = 10
dim c(amount) as ball
for i=1 to amount
c(i).r = 20
c(i).x = rnd(screen width()-40)+20
c(i).y = rnd(screen height()-40)+20
c(i).angle = rnd(360)
c(i).vx = sin(c(i).angle) * velocity#
c(i).vy = cos(c(i).angle) * velocity#
next i
for a = 1 to amount
for b = 1 to amount
if a <> b
if (c(a).x-c(b).x)^2 + (c(a).y-c(b).y)^2 <= (c(a).r+c(b).r)^2
tx# = c(b).x - c(a).x
ty# = c(b).y - c(a).y
angle# = wrapvalue(atanfull(tx#, ty#)+180)
c(a).vx = sin(angle#)*velocity#
c(a).vy = cos(angle#)*velocity#
c(a).angle = angle#
tx# = c(a).x - c(b).x
ty# = c(a).y - c(b).y
angle# = wrapvalue(atanfull(tx#, ty#)+180)
c(b).vx = sin(angle#)*velocity#
c(b).vy = cos(angle#)*velocity#
c(b).angle = angle#
next b
next a
for i=1 to amount
gosub _check_sides
c(i).x = c(i).x + sin(c(i).angle) * velocity#
c(i).y = c(i).y + cos(c(i).angle) * velocity#
circle c(i).x, c(i).y, c(i).r
next i
set cursor 0,0
print "FPS: ", screen fps()
if (c(i).x + c(i).r >= screen width()) OR (c(i).x <= c(i).r)
c(i).vx = c(i).vx * -1
c(i).angle = atanfull(c(i).vx, c(i).vy)
if (c(i).y <= c(i).r) OR (c(i).y + c(i).r >= screen height())
c(i).vy = c(i).vy * -1
c(i).angle = atanfull(c(i).vx, c(i).vy)
"eureka" - Archimedes