Quote: "If somebody uses a world changer on the client then the changed part has to be sent to all the users, this means unnessecary bandwidth that i would like to keep for playing. Any suggestions, bright or otherwise?."
That sort of suggests you will upload the whole game world to the client's PC at some point. ie. when they first install the game, or when they login every time. Don't see why you want to do that. Surely you keep *everything* on the server (also safer from cheats) and then update the client with the current locations information when they get there. You will obviously have to check with the server once a second or so anyway just to obtain information of any new people who wandered into your current location. This of course then allows updates to locations/ objects to work on the fly. Any *major* (ie. world changing) updates to the system then might require the server to issue an automatic shutdown that will shut people out on their next poll of the server.
Interestingly, if I remember rightly, there is an open source VB MUD called WheelMUD I believe. Might be worth looking at.
Personally, I would go with the idea of allowing it to run over several servers. Then have the code to allow people to wander from one server to another. Not only will it spread the load, but new users may offer to host a new server for you (as long as they get admin privs of course, but not quite your god level), and handle that area for you. Each server, for example, could be a city (like Discworld) or a country. Totally cool.
Of course the ultimate is for enough people to take over, then quietly take out your original server (that you spend hours and hours each day maintaining, creating new puzzles, helping newbies etc). Let the other admins (lets call them demi-gods
) handle the whole thing, and you settle down to some nice wandering (as the ultimate supreme being of course), with a little debugging when things go t*ts up now and again. Cool.
Always wanted to do my own MUD, just is an awful amount of time and neverending effort, even with an already written system (plenty around, both freeware and shareware). Would be nice with your own system though.
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing