finally managed to download! turns out it wasn't a problem with geocities but it was the simple fact that you used backslashes in the download link, and netscape browsers don't recognise this
so i changed it and it downloaded fine
... and its a great editor, i love the way you do hills and dips, also the windows file loader(i'd love to know how you get that working
it all seems to work pretty well(haven't tried importing into my own project yet) but the main thing that annoys me is the camera, if you use it, then press space, move the mouse around abit, then click to use the camera again, it rotates and messes up your view, meaning you have to reposition the camera again.
try this function:
function MouseControl(Speed as float)
if mouseclick()=1 or mouseclick()=2
xrotate camera camera angle x()+mousemovey()
yrotate camera camera angle y()+mousemovex()
if mouseclick()=1 then move camera Speed
if mouseclick()=2 then move camera (0-Speed)
it was made by robk and because of the r=mousemovex() etc. bit at the end it won't mess up the camera when you reselect it
the only other problem i had was that when i click on new, the create matrix box is all screwed up(as in doesn't show up), this seems to only be a problem on my computer
as it happens on other dbp programs aswell, i'm guessing it uses a textured plain? would it be possible to change it to a sprite, just for me
otherwise great work, is there a keyboard key that sets the texture? if not those shortcuts will be mighty useful.
In the beginning, the universe was created...
This made alot of people very angry and it has been widely regarded as a bad idea...