I'm making a plugin for DBP (in VC++) that allows
you to connect to anything via TCP/IP. This can be
used for MultiPlayer games, FTP, E-Mail, HTTP, Chatting, etc.
I started working on this 2 days ago, but I'm moving along
slowly as this is my first DBP plugin. Here's an example of
what it can allready do:
print "Making socket"
make socket 1
set socket port 1, 80
print "Connecting Socket to Google"
if connect socket(1, "")=0 then print "Connected!"
wait key
print "Closing socket"
close socket 1
print "Setting socket to listener mode"
a=socket listen(1)
if a><0 then print "error!"
print "Closing socket"
close socket 1
if socket exist(1) then print "Now you see it..."
print "Deleting Socket"
delete socket 1
if socket exist(1)=1 then print "Now you see it!?!!?!"
if socket exist(1)=0 then print "Now you don't!"
wait key
Now I just have to add a few more commands (send/recv/sockstat) and
a beta will be ready. Anybody have any suggestions? Comments?