I created this jump code for a 2d game I am working on. Let me know what you think!
` ---Jump Code---
`Written in DarkBASIC Classic by Hyrum Richter
`This code uses the trig functions sine and cosine to create a curved jumping movement.
`I've tried this code on several different sized sprites and it worked flawlessly.
`If you don't understand how Sin and Cos work, it would be well to consult a math book, as these functions are
`very often used in game programming and allow you to make some really interesting effects.
`You are welcome to use this code in your projects and modify it as you need.
`I know there are probably better ways to do jumping, but this code works, and I'm glad to share it with other people.
`You can contact me at hyrichter@email.com if you have any questions about this code.
`DON'T POST THIS CODE AS YOUR OWN! I went to a lot of work to build this, and would appreciate being credited if it's used in your game.
`p.s. I hope you understand my comments :)
set display mode 1024,768,16
sync on
sync rate 60
load image "mypic.bmp",1
sprite 1,100,100,1
`The Variable "Jump" is used to determine which way the player should jump. If it's set to 0, no jumping takes place.
`Jump = 1, jump straight up. Jump =2, jump left. Jump = 3, jump right.
`JumpLife is only used for when the player is jumping straight up, as explained later, and jumping is used to determine whether a jump sequence
`is taking place.
jump = 0
JumpLife = 0
jumping = 0
if leftkey()=1 and jumping = 0
sprite 1,sprite x(1)-5,sprite y(1),1
if jumping = 0
`x=360...This is the starting point for our jump curve. We will be going from 360 to 180
if leftkey()=0 and rightkey()=0 and downkey()=0 and upkey()=0 and jumping = 0 then jump =1
if rightkey()=1 and jumping = 0
sprite 1,sprite x(1)+5,sprite y(1),1
`x=180...Same as above, except we will be going from left to right...
if downkey()=1 and jumping =0
sprite 1,sprite x(1),sprite y(1)+5,1
if upkey()=1 and jumping =0
sprite 1,sprite x(1),sprite y(1)-5,1
if spacekey()=1 and jumping=0
if jump = 2
`We must have the original player position when the jump sequence was started to calculate the curve...
`100 must be subtracted from PlayerPosX because that is what we are multiplying the cosine of our
`angle by and we are going left.
PlayerPosX = sprite x(1) -100
playerposy = sprite y(1)
if jump = 3
`Same as above except we are going to the right, so we add 100 to playerposX
playerposx = sprite x(1) +100
playerposy=sprite y(1)
if jumping=1 then gosub PlayerJump
select jump
case 1
`Jumping straight up. While jumplife is less than 20, we will move the sprite up 5 pixels.
`As soon as the jumplife variable gets above 20, we will move the sprite down.
`When jumplife = 40, the jumpsequence is done, and we are back where we started.
if jumplife <20
sprite 1,sprite x(1),sprite y(1)-5,1
inc jumplife
if jumplife >=20
sprite 1,sprite x(1),sprite y(1)+5,1
inc jumplife
if jumplife = 40
jumplife = 0
jumping = 0
case 2
`Jumping left
`Here we get into the fun stuff. Our jump curve will be a half-circle, or half-ellipse in this case.
`Angx is used to determine how far on the x-axis the player will jump. Angy is used to determine the height of the jump
`By altering what you multiply the sine and cosine by, you can make the player jump higher, or farther.
angx = cos(x)*100
angy = sin(x)*70
sprite 1,playerposx+angx,playerposY+angy,1
if x=180 then jumping =0
case 3
`Jumping right. Notice that instead of x=x-5 we have x=x+5. This is because we start at the left of the curve and go to the right
sprite 1,playerposx+angx,playerposy+angy,1
if x=360 then jumping =0