I made this Hit Detection Class file, which I hope is useful(it sure is going to be helpful for me)
I made it in Java so it is a Java class file.
Methods for it.
hit_square object = new hit_square(); This object is all object no static methods.
object.hit_square(#); This sets up how much collision squares.
object.hit_prepare(coor_x,coor_y,width,height,collision number); This sets up the invisible square that will go over your graphic and act as a hit detection.
object.position(collision number,x new,y new); This will put the collision square at the new location.
object.get_pos(collision number, "x"); This gets the x posision of the collision square, it also returns a double which is the posision of x.
object.get_pos(collision number, "y"); This gets the y posision of the collision square, it also returns a double which is the posision of y.
object.detection(collision number1,collision number2); This will check if collision number1 hits collision number2. It returns a 0 or a 1. 1 means they collided with each other.
AMD Atherlon 2400+ XP, 380 DDr memeory, ATI Radeon 9000 64 DDR, Windos XP home edition.
-----------------------And a Katana.