ok, here is my source code :
sync on: sync rate 0
rem loading map, objects
load bitmap "height.bmp",1
load image "grass2.bmp",1
rem end
rem definice
Color Backdrop RGB(255,255,255)
INK rgb(0,0,0),rgb(0,0,0)
Backdrop on
set camera range 0,1,1000000000
fog off
fog color rgb(255,255,255)
fog distance 9000000
msize = 12000000
msize2 = msize / 2
tiles = 50
tsize = msize/tiles
mnum = 1
heightscale = 10000
rem end
make matrix 1,msize,msize,tiles,tiles
prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
set matrix 1,0,0,1,3,1,1,1
position matrix 1,-msize2,0,-msize2
position camera 10000,100,1000
rotate camera 0,0,0
hide mouse
rem init matrix start
set current bitmap 1
for tilz = 0 to tiles
for tilx = 0 to tiles
aktualheight = rgbr(point(tilx,tilz))
set matrix height 1,tilx, tilz, aktualheight*heightscale
next tilx
next tilz
set current bitmap 0
update matrix 1
rem konec
tilz = 0
tilx = 0
rem load trees
rem end
rem ovladani
if shiftkey()
if upkey()then move camera 1500
if upkey()then move camera 1000
if downkey() then move camera -15
if spacekey() then hh = hh + 100
xrotate camera camera angle x() + mousemovey()*0.3
yrotate camera camera angle y() + mousemovex()*0.3
rem konec ovladani
rem refresh
cx = camera position x()
cz = camera position z()
mx = matrix position x(mnum)
mz = matrix position z(mnum)
if dz > tsize
shift matrix down mnum
rem zmena vysky dolu
set current bitmap 1
for tilx = 0 to tiles
Zslozka = 0 + tilez
Xslozka = tilx + tilex
aktualheight = rgbr(point(Xslozka,Zslozka))
set matrix height 1,tilx, 0, aktualheight*heightscale
next tilx
set current bitmap 0
rem konec
position matrix mnum,mx,0,mz-tsize
if dz < -tsize
shift matrix up mnum
rem zmena vysky nahoru
set current bitmap 1
for tilx = 0 to tiles
Zslozka = tiles + tilez
Xslozka = tilx + tilex
aktualheight = rgbr(point(Xslozka,Zslozka))
set matrix height 1,tilx, tiles, aktualheight*heightscale
next tilx
set current bitmap 0
rem konec
position matrix mnum,mx,0,mz+tsize
if dx > tsize
shift matrix right mnum
rem zmena vysky doprava
set current bitmap 1
for tilz = 0 to tiles
Zslozka = tilz + tilez
Xslozka = 0 + tilex
aktualheight = rgbr(point(Xslozka,Zslozka))
set matrix height 1,0, tilz, aktualheight*heightscale
next tilz
set current bitmap 0
rem konec
position matrix mnum,mx-tsize,0,mz
if dx < -tsize
shift matrix left mnum
rem zmena vysky doleva
set current bitmap 1
for tilz = 0 to tiles
Zslozka = tilz + tilez
Xslozka = tiles + tilex
aktualheight = rgbr(point(Xslozka,Zslozka))
set matrix height 1,tiles, tilz, aktualheight*heightscale
next tilz
set current bitmap 0
rem konec
position matrix mnum,mx+tsize,0,mz
update matrix mnum
h#=get ground height(1,camera position x()-matrix position x(1),camera position z()-matrix position z(1))
rem konec refresh
rem pozice
posx = int(camera position x())
posz = int(camera position z())
tilex = (posx/(msize/tiles))
tilez = (posz/(msize/tiles))
rem konec pozice
rem text
position camera camera position x(),h#+18000,camera position z()
INK rgb(0,0,0),rgb(0,0,0)
TEXT 1,1, "FPS: " +str$(screen fps())
TEXT 1,10, "pozice X: "+str$(camera position x()) + " pozice Z: "+str$(camera position z())
TEXT 1,20, "TILE X: "+str$(tilex) + " TILE Z: "+str$(tilez)
text 1,30, "vyska: "+str$(h#)
TEXT 1,40, "POINT X: "+str$(tilx+tilex) + " POINT Z: "+str$(tilz+tilez)
TEXT 1,50, "DZ: "+str$(dz) + " TSIDE X: "+str$(tside)
if tilex < 0 or tilez < 0 or tilex > bitmap width(1)-1 or tilez > bitmap height(1)-1
INK rgb(255,0,0),rgb(255,0,0)
TEXT screen width()/2-100, screen height()/2,"You are in NON ZONE!!!!!"
rem konec text
Height.bmp is heightmap
you have to create own heightmap about size ....ex: 64x64 or 2000x2000 its 64x64 tiles and 2000x2000 tiles
grass2.bmp is texture of tile
☺☺ PIII 950 Mhz, 320 MB RAM, GeForce4MX440 64MB, SB LIVE!, monitor 19" ☺☺