WHAT THE PAPERS WERE PRINTING A YEAR AGO - Editorial positions of the principal Scottish and UK newspapers in the run-up to war in Iraq:
--- The foolish (lying or gullible) warmongers ----------------------------
The Scotsman Pro-war
We have waited 12 years to disarm Saddam and, as 11 September shows, such patience is now being misread to our detriment. In the words of Mr Blair in his Common’s speech on 18 March: “ Iraq is not the only regime with WMD. But back away now from this confrontation and future conflicts will be infinitely worse and more devastating.� (20 March 2003)
Scotland on Sunday Pro-war
Sadly there is no ultimately no alternative to using force against Iraq. Saddam has spent more than a decade since the Gulf war defying the UN’s demands that he disarm. Our troops will need our strongest support, and their families should expect our fullest solidarity. For what they are about to do is right and just and will be celebrated by ordinary Iraqis. (16 March 2003)
The Times Pro-war
Unless clear rules are established, by force if needs be, then such poisons will become the currency of future conflict. (14 February 2003)
The Sun Pro-war
It is a twin threat of rogue states trading in the most deadly weapons and unscrupulous terrorist groups around the world who twist the religion of Islam to their own murderous ends. That is why we have to strike and strike hard against Saddam. (19 March 2003)
The Sunday Times Pro-war
Avoiding war means allowing Saddam to keep his weapons of mass destruction. It would encourage other rogue dictators to reach for the nuclear trigger. So war it has to be. And soon. (16 March 2003)
The Observer Pro-war
We understand Mr Blair’s preparedness to act at some point because we share his analysis of the terrible risks posed by Saddam, not least to his own people. Britain must not say never to military action. (16 February 2003)
--- The ethical voices for peacful resolutions ---------------------------------
Sunday Herald Anti-war
This troika of the willing [Bush, Blair and Aznar], a coalition of the decided, have reached the end of the line they drew themselves. And it will not be the UN who decides when the point is reached: the US, like a self-appointed judge, jury and executioner, has decided, and its decision is final.
They have wasted enough time on diplomacy, and now they want their appointment with destiny: a war against Saddam with, as ever, God on their side.
It will be called a war – but in truth it will be, to use Bush’s parlance, a turkey-shoot, because Iraq has no answer to this scale of force. (16 March 2003)
The Herald Anti-war
The Herald has argued consistently against any war that does not have the backing of the international community as set out in a fresh UN resolution. (18 March 2003)
Daily Record Anti-war
Three-quarters of the British people were against going to war without the full authority of the United Nations. It is the wrong war at the wrong time. (20 March 2003)
Sunday Mail Anti-war
Our leaders can try to shift the blame on to the French for failing to secure a new UN resolution. That is too convenient. In reality, the Prime Minister and the US President have manufactured this war. (16 March 2003)
Independent on Sunday Anti-war
Not in our name, Mr Blair. You do not have the evidence. You do not have UN approval. You do not have your country’s support. You do not have your party’s support. (9 March 2003)
The Guardian Anti-war
This weekend will be a crucial opportunity – perhaps the last one – to try to save Mr Blair, and more importantly the country, from the error of supporting a misjudged US approach towards the Iraqi regime. (14 February 2003)
The Independent Anti-war
Britain may be only hours from war, and it is a war that has not been sanctioned by the international community. This was not the outcome that this newspaper sought. Far from it. We hoped for the peaceful disarmament of Iraq, accomplished through diplomacy. (18 March 2003).
[font=Times New Roman]In the past year the forces against the Operation Iraqi Freedom have been proven right, just as we are correct now.
No more innocent blood for oil. Both Blair and Bush should be forced to pay the heaviest penalty for the
illegal and unnecessary invasion and occupation of Iraq.
A heads up, if you guys don't work hard to rid us of these two leaders....
I'll just mention that I believe that the 18-26 year olds are the very first group to be involuntarily inducted.
Peace, the anti-Bush.