Quote: "quantum effects are large enough to alter the results of nuerons firing in the brain, so a small percentage of all that people do is based on unpredictable random quantum effects (maybe even from some particle in the quantum foam that triggered an event), so the future is created by us and is unfixed, since it depends partly on the actions of all the people and events around us, some of which are caused by purely random quantum events or chaotic effects that cascade."
It may appear to be random and unpredictiple (as it very well may be), but is it really really random? For instance, If everything in the universe travelled backwards through time right before a specific quantum event, would that event be the same as it was the first time?
I would assume it would be...
Quote: "So the future is random and we have awareness that allows us to try and alter the events around us even when we feel they are trying to force us into some predetermined path, just one man could start a war, just one man could save the lives of millions, there is no need to adopt a nihlist philosophy, we do have free will, life is anti-entropic, the universe wants to reduce it`self to uniform thermal noise, life keeps making order out of bits of the universe against the nature of energy, thats free will."
Awareness? What is our awarness based off of? Our observations, right? So could you say we are reacting to the enviroment? Thus we are reacting to causes and effect throughout the universe. Even our attitudes are reaction caused by outside effects.
A man CAN start a war; but what motivates this man to start a war? Maybe its an Attitude that he has towards a certain group of people. But what motivated him to feel that way? was it his own dissision to hate a group of people?
Maybe it was the effect of his parents who told him that the group of people where filthy and rotten. Or maybe it was the affect of that man having too much power.. etc etc...
So you can say that the reason behind the man hating the group was his childhood with his hateful parents...Not his own free will. People don't just choose to hate/love things... their feeling MUST be based on a cause of somesort.
It seems to me that many people have this scewed vision of "Fate". Yes, fate is a predetermined path; what is going to happen will happen no matter what. You as a living being WILL react to your surrounding; whatever you choose is your "choice"; but you would have choosen it anyways...
I was fated to tell you about this, just as well as you where fated to discuss this. You WILL react to this in some way, be it big or small (you can ignore it or Explode); but the fact remains that you will take an action. What ever that action is, was your "Fate".
Freewill as we think is an Illusion. You have no real control over your belives, feelings, thoughts. They are a direct reaction of your surrounding enviroment, which, in itself is Cause and effect.
Amist the Blue Skies...