thank you gentlemen
as for my $0.02, C++ is the premier language, we all know that. But, due to it's steep learning curve, and the state of flux the programming world is in, and if you have no prior experience and want a c-based language, I would have to say learn C#. If you can learn C++ and become highly proficient in under 1 year then by all means learn C++ first then move onto the next step which is C#, for all other normal humans you're better off with a .NET based language like C# or VB.NET first(whichever animal floats your boat - they're the same aside from the source syntax) The reason I'd say learn C# over C++ is that by the time a normal human gets c++ to a sweet level, COM, DCOM, ActiveX, and all other currently fading technologies will be that much more faded. Yes, C++ and vb6 programmers are always needed for maintenance (for now and the near future) but lets all face it: it's all going "bye bye" - and that includes VB6, C++, ASP, COM, DCOM, and every other "hot" item you can think of based on COM technology. Even DirectX 9 includes pure .NET Classes now. Think about this whole XB2 stuff that's been coming down the pipe, and PC development for it!... Mark these words. It's not happening over night - but it is happening, so be prepared. The next version of windows is based on .NET/XML technology - No COM components to be found. Yeah, sure they will "support" them like .NET does now with ComInterop etc but the signs are as clear as day.
Choose whatever language you like, learn well, practice hard, just don't make a long-winded effort into some technology that is going to disappear in the very near future.
sorry to .rant about .net
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