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Posted: 18th Sep 2002 21:16
I have had several problems with DB pro.
1- Suddently, after having worked well, my DB pro stopped compiling. The debugger simply will not start. I have tried every thing. But it does not start. I can not create EXE files. I cannot run my programs as I write them. This happened while I was writing a simple clicking button in a sound recording program.
2- I decided to uninstall and reinstall. Uninstalling was very complicated. Some shared files did not allow for the uninstallation. So, I manually had to remove the main files, and then the full uninstallation was possible.
3- I reinstalled DB Pro. But it still does not run programs or compile. I don't know what to do from here on.
The computer is: 1.1 AMD,384 SD RAM,Windows XP, with resolution 1034,768,32
4-So, I decided to install DB pro in my laptop. It has a 1.0 AMD, 512 RAM, Windows XP, with the same resolution. Here, the programs open in Run and Debug mode. But they don't do anything. And the mouse slows down badly.
I have all the patches installed in both computers.

Any suggestions?
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Posted: 18th Sep 2002 22:14
Remove any program that can reverse engineer dbpro such as .Net framework or Visual C++.

When you compile anything about 20-30 times then DB looks for the DB CD to validate it (its a major pain in the backside) but apparantly the DB cd won't work properly when you have stuff like Visual C++ installed and you'll get strange errors once in a while.

If you don't want to delete Visual C++ or something then you'll have to wait till the creator of DB decides to take the CD check off.

Not sure if it works for all computers but worth a shot.

Hope it works!
Richard Davey
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Posted: 19th Sep 2002 02:47
Just to clear things up a little - it's not the CD check that causes the problem with Visual Studio, it's InstallShield. It thinks you're running a memory resident debugger which could be used to crack the installation. If you've got VS installed - it's right. Disable this and it will install fine.



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Posted: 19th Sep 2002 20:27
I don't have either Visual Studio or C++. The only programming languages in my computer are Blitz Basic, Dark Basic, and Dark Basic Pro. I do have many 3D rendering programs.
The way it always happen is that as I try to run the debugger, the DBP installer starts.

Any other suggestions?


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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 00:52
rich... i have the same problem... DBPro is already installed, so I dont understand how it can be InstallShield???

Anyway, a lot of DBers program in other languages as well - such as those included in Visual Studio - should these really interfere with each other?

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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 01:56
Rick , you said that : "It thinks you're running a memory resident debugger which could be used to crack the installation"

I think that if you found your protection check good for protection , it's a full pain for the user because :
1 - It force the user to keep the cd on the drive each time he use DBPro because it is impossible to know when user will be asked to insert the CD
2 - it help to scratch cd because we must use the cd every cd we use DBPro ( and we can't make a save copy of the cd and use it instead of ORIGINAL CD ! )
3 - It cause compatibilities problem due to your protection that think that anothers programs can try to crack DBPro.

I think that developper make so much protection that someday , you will only have 1 program installed because others each program will become incompatible with each others !
That really a big problem for USER ! never forget this FOR USER !

You must not forget that if the first users that use DBPro encountered problems that can make people think the program will not work on their computer , peoples will not buy your product and your product will die fastly !
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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 01:58
and I've forgot to add this :

and people will buy another product where these problems does not occur .

think about it !
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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 01:59
just take a look at that post and you'll understand anll my means :
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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 05:05
I checked that post up. I do agree that if one can only buy one program, they should not buy a beta. Definitely, DBPro is a Beta. Perhaps, it is really an Alpha. I am willing to stick with the developers, and I suggest that if you can, you do it too. There are only two economical and viable choices for Basic programers, Blitz Basic, and Dark Basic. Others, such as Liberty Basic do not offer enough, in my opinion. Visual Basic, is really C++ in disguise. So, I really offer all my support to DarkBasic and Blitz Basic. Part of the support is to buy their programs. So, I own both.
What I want in response from them, is quick action. There are many bugs in DBPro, so the developers better work 24/7 on improving it. We, the user community, gave them our money in trust for a program that we expected to be far more reliable than it is. Yet, as programmers (or would be programmers, like me), we must understand that initially, programs tend to have many more bugs than they seemed to havi in our computers. It is amazing, how many times I have finished a program that worked great. I save to a disk, give it to a friend, and it works terribly badly in his computer.
Any way, I still don't have a working solution to my problem.

More ideas?????????????


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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 05:30
I have to agree with sticking with it, I like the new setup and get most things to work so far, I have founda few little things that shouldn't have been allowed past testing, but then we are not all perfect.

couple of things though, Customer support had better get a lot more Customer friendly and appologetic, make us feel better for helping you, by giving better support,IE: I posted to you (DB support) on the day I got DBP as I had installation troubles, you have not replied in 4 days.. thats bad I am affraid, I would generally allow 2 days for a responce and then concider it slow, get more helpers or something on the e-mails.

Get a bug report forum going so we can all see what has been sorted or not, see whether it is us or our computers to blame, it saves you having loads of the same error mails and also we don't need to go through the general postings to search the bug base, and yes try and get a search engine here too, thats plain slack in this day and age not having a search engine on the forums, I appologise if there is one here, but you have hidden it well if there is.

Sorry that sounded demanding, it's getting late here and I have been attempting to sort the code out for the FPS tutorial that is badly finished for about 4 hours now I got the code in place nearly but the BSP won't load now no matter what I try, I went to post about it and got a few lines posted out of my original writtings..

well anyway, you need to look after us better, thats for sure, we like what you have done so far and see there is room for improvment, so PLEASE prove us right

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 04:38
I've posted this before, I guess I should have made it a "sticky" topic! But.. to stop the CD check just make your shortcut to DBPro run editor.exe instead of launch.exe.

Voila.. no more CD checking ever.

Patch2 will fix this properly, but in the meantime there is the solution to your problem.

Re: bugs, there are an awful lot that are user generated from either misconceptions about what they're doing or incorrect expectations from coming from DBV1 and expecting it to work the same way (newsflash people - it doesn't!). A large percentage of the errors I've seen fall into this later category. Does that mean I think there are no bugs in the program itself? Hell no! I know there are and I know which have been fixed ready for patch2 (which isn't too far away).

As for my previous message it was to do with DBPro installation (not operation) and it was correct I'm afraid! Annoying but true.



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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 05:03
i had no prob with installation either and i have VS 6.0 and InstallShield installed too (OS is Win2k)

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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 06:13
Well rich, I had to uninstall some remnant of C++ before I could install, thanks to some helpful people I found that out. It sounds like your talking sence here, I have to agree with the DBP not being the same as DB 1, I think it is understood that it's going to be different because it's better, and it is good to hear about P2 not being far away, out of interest, what percentage of known bugs will it fix or is hoped to fix?

On another note, are things like the unsupported Syntax going to be removed from the help index?

Is the FpsGame.DBA actually going to be the same final code as the tutorial it supports, meaning if I copy and paste the parts from the tutorial into the correct places on a new page, can I have a program that is the same as the DBA?, If you look closely they are not the same at present.

The tutorial if cut and pasted from, has errors in it, are these going to be cleared up?

I am not poking holes here, I said it before and will say it again, I like very much what you have given us, I am just asking because it may help for a smoother ride for new poeple down the line, I haven't coded much yet in it as I have been running through the showcases, Tutorials and demo's , I wanted to get a feel for the new design of DBP and techniques needed to use it efficiently, and presume these need to be clean, I am mentioning anything I find that is wrong because I want to help you get it nice and clean and shiny .

1ghz Cel,512 sdram 133,Gf2 MX 400 64,SBL 5.1,Win98
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