Wednesday April 7th
I regret to inform that during a rebooting accident my notebook LCD’s backlight has expired…
That can't be good, I rebooted my notebook but the screen didn't refresh...This is the second time this happens and that got me wondering:
+Can this be anything other than the backlight,I know that the problem is that the backlight not working(cause if you get some light near the display you can see it's working), but could have something turned it off?
+Can I test it somehow?
+Shouldn’t these CCFL last LONG?
+Has anyone else here experienced trouble with LCD’s backlight, what did you do (first time I sent it to tech support but right now I’m looking for alternatives)?
(Sadly)I Don't really think there's much to be done other than preparing to battle the tech support (what was I thinking ...buying something I can't dissassemble (...I did try...))
Any advice is welcome
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Recent coding: Video Capture Plug-in
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