Trillion is my new project, it's like a space shooter, but based inside a small galaxy of asteroids that are being mined. The asteroids are the homes for a community of humans, and the community has grown to reach the bounderies of the entire galaxy. They have built all the recreational facilities of Earth, plus shops, and skyscrapers inside the asteroids. They also built factories to build their mining machines. But the machines were taken over by a self aware virus, like The Matrix. So some of the machines are attacking the communities. The machines are altering themselves, and are experimenting with biological add-ons. You are a trader, who owns a cargo vessel with some weaponry fitted. You travel from asteroid to asteroid to buy and sell goods. You have to clear away the self aware machines on the way. You get paid for destroying a wave of them. The travelling part is like R-Type, the trading part is like Elite. The story part is like The Matrix. It's 2D rendered, and Photoshopped. It's going to have animations happening everywhere, unlike R-Type's stationary backgrounds. You should be able to buy new ships and weaponry, and also scoop things up with your ship. There will be choices of routes also, and choices of asteroids to visit. When you pass from one asteroid to another you are not in space, they have built corridoors from steel between each asteroid, so you are never totally free to go wherever you want, but you do come to crossroads.
That's about it.
I am currently working on the backgrounds. You may have seen the Drill. Here.......