I'm running on my old monitor until I can get a new one. The other one is broken. But it's top resolution is 800x600! Argh!!
I want to play Emperor-Battle for Dune again. But it's set at a higher resulution than this #"¤!"#¤¤%¤ monitor can handle! All I see is a shimmering fuzz. Does anyone know a way to change the resolution of this game externally?
Does anyone know where Westwood's site is these days? I just get to EA, and they only talk about C&C.
Naturally I've tried to google for a direct solution, and possible command lines switches, and for everything but God and his agony aunt. No luck though. :/
They SAID that given enough time a million monkeys with typewriters could recreate the collected works of William Shakespeare... Internet sure proved them wrong.