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3 Dimensional Chat / Mech Shot

Disco Stu
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 07:53
Hi everyone,
Jusr wondering what you think of my mech. I know its very bare and has very few details but I really wanted to get the basic shape down first (the head needs some major redesign). As of yet I haven't textured it, that'll come later and I'm totally stuck on the hands. If anyone could give any tips on how to model simple (relatively humanoid) hands then it would be much appreciated.

I'm using Truespace 5.1 to make and I have to say its one hell of a modeller, Caligari did an awesome job for the price. This is one of my first few models that are similar to humans in form and I'm finding it very difficult to make anything that slightly resembles a human without going crazy on the polycount. The polycount for the model is currently 707 polygons, do you think this is too much?

Thanks in advance,
Disco Stu.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 09:42
Not even coping and pasting the link works

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 14:12
Hmm...copy/paste works fine for me.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 15:03
that's some cool low polygon modelling, i'm sure it'll look awesome when textured

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 23:29
I find the polycount a bit too high but the model's good looking don't get me wrong...unless each limb has a top and bottom to make an hierarchic animation.If not,you need to close them limbs therefore increasing the polycount again.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 01:48
certainly an interesting look about it

i'd take a look at the feet again, they seem a lil small - perhaps shift the shoulders up a lil and make the top of the legs slightly longer - other than that the mesh is pretty good

Be interesting to see it textures and with some Hand|Guns or whatever you're gonna put on the end hehee.

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Disco Stu
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 07:08
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I made the model with the intention of using it in DB classic. I don't have DBPRO and I doubt buying it would be any good since I've heard it has heaps of bugs. Besides I'm no coder

Looking at it now, it reminds me a little of Slave Zero, though I'm thinking of remodelling the feet to be more like the Gundam design. I was also thinking of beefing up the shoulders a little.

I'm sorry to do this but I'll post the image in this reply so that people that have trouble viewing it can at least see (not that it's anything spectacular).

Again Sorry for slowing the post down and thanks again for the comments,

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
The Vine
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 07:12
looks pretty awesome to me

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 10:32
It kinda reminds me of something... but SlaveZero looks more like an Evangeleon kinda like a CyberDemon, this doesn't hehee.

A lil like Zee from the Zeta Project, but blockier

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Disco Stu
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 12:03
Heh, well that's reassuring
Hmm, it's been a while since I watched that on Toonami. I guess you'd be the person to ask Raven, what did they use to animate the mechs in Zoids?

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 6th Dec 2002 08:22
I'm not entirely sure, but from what i've heard they used Maya 2 standard out of the box (^_^)
The blending and interaction of the scenes seems to back up what i've heard, probably used True Blue (photoshop plugin) to add finishing touches and focus across shadow|light data.

Thou could be wrong
never seen Zoids on Toonami - i don't actually have CNUS yet, still getting pumped SkyDigital

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 16th Dec 2002 05:27
What prog did you use to make that?

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 16th Dec 2002 13:38
Shading looks trueSpace 2|3 style

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
Disco Stu
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Posted: 17th Dec 2002 01:14
Whoops, totally forgot about this post. Didn't think anyone else was going to reply. I used Truespace 5 to make it, I find the fact that you can edit almost every facet of an object in a scene by just right clicking very useful. Didn't really put much into the lighting, just wanted to show the model under comfortable viewing circumstances.

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 17th Dec 2002 01:46
hehee (^_^) yup ... thought it was trueSpace
wasn't gonna say it outright, cause i made my first mistake for 6years yesterday when someone made a render within Maya, said it looked like a Lightwave shot with some things - she was like "RIGHT! i'm never speaking to you again"
infact it was a very bad day that day cause DBGuy also got piss'd at me cause i wouldn't sit there and praise 3DSMax as the best program in history :: rolls eyes ::

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
Disco Stu
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Posted: 17th Dec 2002 11:37
Ouch, I can't understand people that act like that. People make mistakes. I once tried 3DSMax (r2.5) for about a week, I found it impossible to work with. I mean, my work in Truespace is by no means anything to be really proud of but at least I can get things done it it. It had some excellent lighting effects for its time and the particles were really nice, but the interface just scared me away. The only real advantage I see in using 3DSMax is the superior UV mapping capabilities, Truespace always seems to be lacking in this area (though it's meant to be better in version 6).
At least that's how I see it, this may become a flamed post if anyone else bothers to read my rants. Ah well who cares

Oh by the way, I'm making a new version of the knights' hall you saw on my site in Truespace 5 now. should be ready soon, and I have to say it looks much nicer.

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 17th Dec 2002 19:22
well its because unfortunatly with a 3rd party plugin there is no actual UV mapper as such within trueSpace.

you can still select faces or compound selections and add like a standard UV setup - thank god in 6 they did add a proper UV mapper, actually finally makes it useful for keeping low textures within games ... it also helps to keep the render memory to a minimum, as trueSpace has an excellent scanline render'r thou - you add alot of advanced effects its the fastest in the business for rendering. Especially using Shaders on non-GeForce Cards

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!

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