I am currently working on a map editor.
It started off being purely for my game (also in progress) called Ragnaroc - Portal to Hell.
However, it is going so well that once finished I'll release the source for free!!!
What it can do:-
Make, position, rotate and scale primitive objects,
Make a matrix from a heightmap,
Texture the matrix,
Save all of the above,
Load all of the above
What it will do:-
Make, position, rotate and scale primitive objects,
Load other objects,
Texture, scale texture and scroll texture on objects,
Make a matrix from a heightmap,
Texture the matrix,
Texture individual matrix tiles,
Click and drag matrix editing,
Adding, positioning, colouring and ranging lights,
Texture backdrop,
Toggle fog on/off, colour fog and set fog distance,
Save all of the above,
Load all of the above
I would have a screenshot or 7 for you but I don't have a website.
Current Projects: 'Level Editor 3D' and 'Animation Package v2.0'