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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / how can I move my object in the direction I want?

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Joined: 28th Aug 2002
Posted: 19th Sep 2002 02:34

fix object pivot 1
if leftkey()=1 then turn object left 1, Velocity
if rightkey()= 1 then turn object right 1, Velocity
if downkey()=1 then pitch object up 1, Velocity
if upkey()=1 then pitch object down 1, Velocity
if inkey$()="," then roll object left 1, Velocity
if inkey$()="." then roll object right 1, Velocity
move object 1 , Speed

How could I get my model to move into the direction I turned it? Thanks in advance
Years of Service
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Joined: 7th Sep 2002
Posted: 19th Sep 2002 05:37
Well first you need rotate the object using the rotate object command so that it pointed in the direction you want the object to go.

Then use the move command it will in the direction you want at the distance you want.

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