hopefully by today or tomorrow Exeat and I will have worked some issues with the C++ wrapper portion and we can thoroughly test via DBP. Once we start doing that we will see where we stand on latency. we will also release asap to the community so we can get feedback from anyone interested.
during that time I will be working on functions involving DirectX and the items listed in "TBA" below. Oh and the documentation of course!
General Functions
PrevInst() -returns a bool indicating if a process is already running
GetPID(exename) -returns the windows ProgID of exename
GetLocalName() -returns the local machine name
GetLocalIP() -returns the local IP Address
MessageBox(title,message,[style]) -displays a win msgbox() with the indicated title and message. Returns
an integer value based on the style & button pressed.
Message_Input(title,message) -displays a win Inputbox() with the title and message. returns a string from the user
RunApp(exename,args) -starts the indicated process, with any indicated command line args
File Functions
GetINIKey(section,keyname,filename) -returns the key value from an ini file based on args
WriteINIKey(section,keyname,data,filename) -writes a value to an ini file key based on args
AppendLog(filename,data) -writes a line of data to the indicated file, prefixed with data/time stamp
AppendFile(filename,data) -writes a line of data to the indicated file
GetFileToString(filename) -returns a the data from the indicated file as a single string
String Functions
In_Str(searchin,searchfor) -same as VB INSTR()
In_StrRev(searchin,searchfor) -same as VB INSTRREV()
Mid_Str(str,start,[length]) -same as VB MID(), returns a substring of any length from an indicated string
Split_Str(Str,[delimiter],[limit]) -same as VB SPLIT(), returns a string array split by delimiter indicated
Replace_Str(str,oldchar,newchar) -returns a string that has all occurrences of oldchar replaced with newchar
ChangeCase_Str(Str,SetCase) -returns string as lower/upper based on setcase 0/1
Left_Str(Str,Length) -same as VB LEFT()
Right_Str(Str,Length) -same as VB RIGHT()
Remove_Str(Str,StartIndex,Length) -returns a string with the substring removed, indicated by args. startindex is zero-based.
DirectX Functions
GetDXVersion() -returns a string indicating the currently installed version of direct x on the local machine
Stay Tuned
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