For the coding gurus, this isn't really much, but since I don't have much VB experience (more like 2-3 days, haha), it's my first masterpiece. It's a winamp lyrics manager because I kinda got sick of having to dig through my slow hard drive to look for the lyrics to my songs, so I devised a way to find out what song Winamp is playing, and automatically update the program to display the lyrics (if there are any). I'm still working on fixing the save routine for the lyrics database (just a text file, lol), but this is a working model already. Just a few API stuff here and there, so nothing much to be awed at, but the way it works is kinda ingenious (just getting the winamp caption and getting the title, lol!). If this don't impress people then maybe it will give some ideas on what you can do in your spare time. haha rofl
Edit: That's Benoit's WWE entrance music! LOL!