Check out these.
These are some pretty fun blender games. Right now I'm hooked on getting the high score in a game called hardSimple60p(don't ask me why it is named like this.). It came in the Games: Frogger and HardMashed download link. You'll need blender to play it though(not much of a problem seeming how blender is only 3.1 mb of a download).
Since the current game I'm playing doesn't come with instructions(grrr...bad gameplay design flaw
) I'll briefly list them here to save you the effort of figuaring them out. It appears to be solely mouse based. Left button fires your gun(you have no cross hair so this is much harder than it sounds) and right button reloads.
Its an on-rails shooter with the goal being to destroy the funky blue aliens or shoot a certain item in a room to advance. You are on a timer though so the faster you destroy the aliens/shoot the room thing the more points you get. Currently I've managed to get up to the robot scorpion that comes at the end but I haven't managed to get passed him yet(got to shoot his missles).
All in all, its a surprisingly fun distration. I haven't played the other games yet though, but when I do I'll post back and let you guys know how cool they are(unless of course someone beats me to the chase and posts about them before).
Well, have fun.