Okay, I've tried to hold my patience Arax.
First, it's thje Word Assocationa thread where there's already one at
2,750 replies started by yours truly.
Now this sort of thread.
We may seem a load of unreasonble, arrogant flamers to you but there's a certain expectancy on these forums to "have a go yourself" before posting anything.
The reasoning behind this is that we get alot of wannabe coders coing on here expecting that you can ask one quention, and get the next Quake in the replies. Fine for one or two people, but when there are 100s of these people guidelines are set up about structuring posts and where to start. THese are rarely obeyed.
I know that not all of this may correspond to you, but it might help explain why we're a little cold towards people who storm onto the forum and immediately set up shop posting loads of, quite frankly, annoying unneeded vague threads. Once is enough. After the 20th time it becomes tiresome.
If you wnat to start making and RPg a good place to start would be the Newcomers Forum - but remember before you start making a game in any genre you need to get to grips with the basics of how DB works.
That is, if you have DB.
Quote: "Deja Vous Transworld"
lol, deja vu indeed!