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3 Dimensional Chat / C&C Generals & GeForce FX

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 01:22
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH We've been working our asses off today (^_^)
And it isn't over yet kiddie, yes that's right we've got the order - we have 2 weeks to include FULL GeForce FX support... and what have been been given as an incentive?
GeForce FX 680 1.2Ghz 256Mbyte DDR2 AGP8x Cards!!!
In 64bit and 128bit Colour mode, try to touch the graphics as it outperforms ANYTHING you have EVER SEEN!
There are the top of the line puppies, and oh yes we're gonna be putting them to the absolute MAX of thier potencial with C&C Generals!

Oh and for those who haven't seen what it looks like with only standard GeForce4 Ti's ... i've taken the liberty of nabbing a few pics that i've been told nVidia have been given with the mention that we've already implimented the tech.

For some reason we're still now allowed to show the new Ops system, but i think that makes it even more fun
So i've turned it off, or rather 100% alpha'd - this is from a set battle scene demo we're running sims on so, someone lemme know how close to the nVidia ones it is (^_^) because from what i know there shouldn't be much difference if any. supposidely the same game point it screenshots so the pixel artists can fine detail certain aspects better, but oftenly code buggers up

(^_^) wargames have never been so much fun!
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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 03:13
Very nice Vegeta! Lovin it. Can't wait to get this game, very awsome!

Cya man

Disco Stu
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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 03:34
Oh my god.........I WANT!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the shots dude.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 03:39
Moondog I cannot believe it's u....

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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 03:40
I am the guy I'm using as avatar and our game, BtP is stopped But it's nice to see u again

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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 03:44
Hey MEGA!!!! Nice to see ya again. We'll talk later, don't want to crowd Vegeta's post with offtopic discussion

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 03:49
if you work hard and have a team of dedicated artists you too can produce work like this - hahaa
sorry couldn't help myself
glad to see the past 3months haven't gone in vein thou
still working on alot of the GeForce FX only stuff so perhaps closer to release ya'll all get a nice sneak peak.

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 12:13
lol game making one more step away from the hobbiest's . Cant get over those shots, eye candy for sure.

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 22:45
The actual ingame action won't quite be that sweet without a pretty good system unfortunatly ...
those were taken on a
Pentium4 1.33Ghz | GeForce 4 Ti 4200 128Mb | 256Mb Ram

I know ALOT here much more powerful systems than that and that is at max graphics - but wait until the GeForce FX screenshots

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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 23:46
8-0, I opened this thread and I thought these were pics from Iraq! Maybe I should consider a system upgrade just to be able to play this game! (and to get a framerate higher than 5fps out of my progs , and to speed my internet up and...)

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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 12:53



System: Athlon TBird 800Mhz, 320MB RAM, GeForce 2MX440, DX8.1
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 13:53
Currently set for Valantines Day US|UK Release ...
(if you wanna wonder why then i'll see if can get Max on here to explain herself )
Europe and Aussie will have to wait until Late March from what I know.

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 04:04
SO WHAT BIT DID YOU ACTUALLY DO ?? apart from copy the screenies straight from nVidia's website and post them here as your work.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 04:16
screenies are probably close to or identical to nVidias for the reasons i've already noted, please read posts before throwing accusations of such a nature ... they're also now on gamespot and within PCGUS this month, along with another 8 which i'm not allowed to show because they're exclusive.

They're all render'd here first from one of the machines within this teams room hehee

(^_^) you can just sit an wonder what part i've done, one or two members already know. Not posted here for obvious reasons and upon recommendations not to.

The will be getting to work on some of the shader effects that just can't be veiwed from screenshots, like the water sparkles (the new light shaders) and point battle damage. The time shaders make the building damage for standard cards just look silly

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 13:23
Well, as per usual you sidestep the question.

>> Speaks for itself <<

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 13:48
good then bother me and this forum no more with this kinds of questions which won't be answer'd!

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 14:04
*good then bother me and this forum no more with this kinds of questions which won't be answer'd!*

You can't answer the question, because you played NO part in the creation of C&C Generals.

Like I said......sidesteping the question >> SPEAKS FOR ITSELF <<

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 14:36
whoa, very impressive Vegeta, so you & your team actually made this game from scratch?
it is looking very nice, i may even purchase it

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 14:46
"You can't answer the question, because you played NO part in the creation of C&C Generals."

Really dunno. Ask one of these guys:

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 15:30
Hahaha !! thanks for the link empty

>>> my point exacly <<

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Megaman X
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 17:07
What is it about... u guys mean that RV actually works for Westwood Studios? Is it true?

"Never argue with an Idiot, they will always bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 17:11
but thats the...
i gots a few questions in an hour

the fact that this is referred to as the EA team amuses me alot here - but i'm still a lil piss'd about this

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Van B
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 17:23
Van-B see's the post and walks around it safely.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 17:26
Rogue >> try reading the other posts !!

*What is it about... u guys mean that RV actually works for Westwood Studios? Is it true?*
End quote:

No thats NOT whats being said here .... Like I said "read the other posts"

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Megaman X
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 17:45
Hmmmmmm, I've read the posts, sounds like Vegeta have done some things to C&C G? If it's true, that's cool But what is his name them? The real name?

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 18:13
I'll go dig it out ....... got it somewhere !!

From a post he made a very long time ago on the RGT forum. It's also in a text file which came with one of his model downloads.

( something Roberts ....... or Robert something ? )

Gonna dig it out when I have time

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 18:48
>> Robert Latten << Oh, look !! NO mention of YOU being anything to do with C&C Generals dev team or Westwood Studio's for that matter.

>> FRAUD <<

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 19:54

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 19:55
But thats proves my teory that he and Shadown Robert are da same person or aren't they?

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 20:28
He is/was ShadowRobert but really what does it matter, I don't think he would deny that...

What's your point anyways Simple...This seems like you guys will never get along ,I mean,stop the grudge,both of you whatever you both think of each other.

I think no one really cares and it kinda gets annoying to see that attitude come back in every post you two participate.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 21:21
*What's your point anyways Simple...*

My point is >> he claims to work for Westwood Studio's and to be a part of the dev team making C&C Generals. But he don't/and he's not.

As for the grudge thing ... NO not really. Some people are just fed up of him claiming others work as his own. Basically he tries to steal other peoples glory.

And as for the threads we both participate in ..... well, I gave him the opportunity for us both to stay out of each others topics, but he obviously declined.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 21:42

You just have to ask yourself what glory is there for you?

-Some people are just fed up of him claiming others work as his own

Who?I never heard anything from any of them,surely if there was to be some solid reasons and especially if they were expressed by an impartial third person,then any doubt could be possible...Personally,I believe in facts.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 22:53
Yup, Definitely a jammed tongue.

Actarus... you seem to be following me. but hey !! whatever blows your whistle.

You ask me who ?? I'm not naming names, but more than just one

I had a point to make, so I've made it .... if you don't like that, then tough.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 22:58
-Actarus... you seem to be following me

Actually,you're the one following RV...I'm just wondering what are your motivations since your points supposedly have been made.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:17
I don't really see what my motivations has to do with you ?

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:25
Because I'm a curious guy.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:40
Well, I don't wanna be at any side, and not either judge RV who has been helpful with some doubts I had. If he's the guy who helped in the dev of C&C Generals, it's a great exemple of all of us starting here that one day we can also be there. If he does not and been stealing peoples glory as mentionade by Simple, that's sad and make many of the newcomers here losing his motivations in making a quality game which won't ever look like those snaps being a lone wolf... That's much to deal with

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Van B
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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 10:20

What would Vegeta be doing right now if Simple had been found out to be making false claims?, think about it - we are talking about Vegeta here. He'd be like a pitbull with a ragdoll, and seeing as how Vegeta spent an entire week hounding Simple because a model he re-did for someone looked a little similar to one in half life, I think Simple has the right to express his opinions about this - probably more than anyone here.

The very fact that Vegeta hasn't posted on this topic in 24 hours speaks volumes, but you just know he'll come in with an elaborate excuse involving fried hard drives and alien abduction.

I have nothing against Vegeta, I don't care too much if he lies about his professional work - but this is a deliberate attempt to deceive us.

I'd like it if Vegeta came here and told us the truth - is that very much to ask?

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 11:21
why would he want to lie about somthing like that?

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 12:37
my name no robert latten i use robert because i prefer my secnod to first name

also i may not be comepltly here but my last name not that looks right i dont think it is right ;0
im in picture just not develpoment team simple to be honset your bastard ;0 maybe i didnt need to be so nasty aboit you model but so like i never tied to destory you

hope you happy wiht what you cuase beecuase there never any reason ;9

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 14:50
Try typing that again ..... cos it don't make Sense

It's almost as if you just got a typing stutter !!

And I'm not a Bastard ( ask the milkman ) !!!

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 16:43
hmmmmmmm.... I cannot understand anything

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 17:36
milkman? mmoki then ... i've been finding my little posts like this all over the place, hehee i wonder how many i made.

i think i understand what i said
basically i think you're a bastard cause you don't know when you've gone too far, and right now you have definately crossed a line.

my name isn't Robert Latten, for one Robert is my second name as I dislike my first name (but i'm always credited with my first) and my last name is Lettan ... i'm also have a different name on my passport because of my parents. So checking my name in credits might help if you knew it

Also might help if that was the actual development team photo, but it isn't - however it is Westwood employee's at which site you figure out and whether i'm in it or not you can also figure out

Lastly hope you are happy about the little hole your digging yourself here, its one thing to try to discredit someone - but there is no need to have gone as far as you have with it ... and i'd suggest you quit soon because you are damaging more than you relise with your digging.

I might be able to stand for it, but there are certain companies that WON'T!

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 18:37
Your pathetic threats don’t faze me !!

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 18:49
hehee (^_^) cool that means it'll be even funnier ...
trust me not me you've gotta be worried here HAHAA

oh god i needed to be cheer'd up this mornin' thanks Simple

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 19:15
Beware Simple, if he's saying the truth, his company, the West Wood Studios may open an judicial action against you for trying to defame him
Or else u can open a process against him for fake image.
That's the cool in US and UK... u can open an action against anyone for any reason

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 20:44
"the West Wood Studios may open an judicial action against you for trying to defame him"

Firstly, they can't 'cause Westwood isn't anymore (it's EA Pacific) and secondly they won't 'cause saying "I think your not part of the Generals dev-team" is not a crime nor is it defamation.

BTW, You can ask the staff of "" (eg: how old these pics are and who's on them.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 23:16
But we dont know RV real name yet

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 23:57
He prefers his second name but is always credited with his first name (err, why this?) and then he happened to have a second surname. Although he modelled for a DB game project (something with "racer") and was credited with Robert Lettan (err, why this?). That's all a bit odd, don't you think? To quote Van: "an elaborate excuse involving fried hard drives and alien abduction".

Well, to clear things up...
I really couldn't care less where RV works, what his profession is (and it's probably a better job than mine- no sarcasm!), or whatever. But claiming to work for EA, posting sort of a dev-diary, showing screenshots of what he and his team have done so far and after all that's a big lie (and that's a crime under certain circumstances)- well that's far too much.

BTW: Not only you can ask those planetcnc guys how those "Generals" developers are called- no, you can ask them how many of them are actually from the UK.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2002 00:26
Hmm, I think Simple should actually pipe down for a while. Of you have a right to your own opinion, but not to try and damage Vegeta's (or anyone else's) reputation, for any reason, and especially not with groundless accusations. Its very clear you have a grudge against each other, which is just human, however, instead of flaming all of Vegeta's threads (I count at least 3 attempts btw), or trying to start flame wars, just leave him alone. I havent seen Vegeta make any inflamatory remarks against you unless you started, which points you out as the perpetrator. I dont care what reputation you have, or how good you are at whatever you do, in my opinion you are just ignorant, not to fall back to more agressive (if descriptive) language.
If Vegeta did steal those pics (which I SERIOUSLY doubt), fair play to him, Westwood will strike. However, I think you should stop flaming him, as he has helped a LOT of people, and is still helping, and he is a lot more capable and a lot more down-to-earth than you make him seem.

I will watch in disgust at your further posts.

Whatever I did I didn't do it!

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