BSP Factory is a program designed to convert Half-Life BSPs into different formats for multiple game engines. Previous versions have only worked for Blitz3D, but update 1.2 will allow you DBPro users to load the maps in DBPro!
I know that DBPro loads Half-Life BSPs directly, but some users are reporting errors with using BSP files in DBPro, and BSP Factory offers some advantages:
- You can access the entity information stored in the map.
- You have many texture effects, like sphere mapping, cube mapping, alpha & masked textures, specular highlights, etc.
- You can create much better lighting effect, by using gile[s] for lightmapping
Development on 1.2 version of BSP Factory started some time ago, but I haven't had all the time I had with 1.1 update. Anyway, it is progressing fine, and here is a list of the features currently finished:
+ FIXED: Caulked faces does not export an empty surface anymore.
+ FIXED: Crash when you lightmap a map, then load another map and save it witohut lightmaps.
+ FIXED: Light brightness is not too high anymore.
+ ADDED: Exports lightmaps in JPG format.
+ ADDED: XP-style menu.
+ ADDED: Light ranges are shown using semi-transparent spheres.
+ ADDED: Export plugins using BVM scripting!!! Current exporters: B3D, GLS. X and DBO in the works.
The gile[s] exporter is probably the most interesting feature in this update, together with the scripting system for the exporter plugins.
Here is a screenshot of the program, with an improved interface
The documentation is also being improved:
And some screens of a map loaded in DBPro. These shots contains some cool effects, like reflections and specular highlights
BSP Factory only costs $15. Please have in mind that the current vefrsion does not export maps for DBPro. The release of 1.2 version will be announced in these forums when it happens
== Jedive ==
AthlonXP 1600+, 512MB, GeForce4200, WinXP/DX9, Fedora Core 1