To all who may be interested,
The updated version BlastroidS SE will be posted @ 12.00 GMT on the 20th May.(Tomorrow) the old version is still there at the moment if you want to DL that first for a comparison with the new version!
this version will have 20 levels to play before the same level repeats until level 99. the FINAL release will have 99 levels
The game looks the same as the first version, but has had a few more features enabled / added.
including :
Progressive ship upgrades (no additional models as of yet)
Proper pause function
Scripted levels
Bonus pickups for every small rock destroyed
Collectables that don't like getting shot at by the player
Magnetic asteroid that reflects fire at random angles and pulls in the players ship.
Rock reversal as a once per level emergency measure
Rock randomize as a once per level emergency measure
Extra shield every 30,000 points
Extra shields available from bonuses left by small rocks
Slowdown Rock bonus (from collectable bonuses)
Extra points from collectables
Active lense flare effect
rock debris as well as explosions
enhanced keyboard input (can now use cursor keys)
joystick support
NOT included but planned. for the next and FINAL release
several more adversaries
varying backdrops and lense effects
new ship models
better sounds
redesigned main screen and in game overlays
general tidy up of the code and game layout
A storyline (for Asteroids, you'r kidding)
any other things i can think of and have time to add!
Thanks in advance for your interest BlastroidS SE.
Kindest regards, geecee3.
PS. the game is in a fully playable, stable state. I just want to use the time I have between now and tomorrow for testing and content additions / changes (models / audio), and to set a new whopping high score for you all to beat.
I hope I'm not cutting this too fine for you Rich!!!
it's faster than shite off a hot shovel, honest.