Quote: "If it has MIDI cables, use those rather than Line IN. The MIDI cable should connect to your computer's joystick port. That's what I do with my electronic keyboard."
Quote: "he's wanting to record the sound comming from the drumpad, not control sounds on the computer. For that you use the Line-In"
technically you can do both. But, it all comes down to how you want to use it or what you want the end result to be, Z interactive.
If your drum kit produces good sound by itself, you could use your computer as a Digital recorder; in which case you would use LINE IN.
PROS: Sound quality and expression are great.
CONS: you cannot easily change your recordings once you record it. Requires plenty of RAM for long songs
if you want to use your drum kit as a sequencer, you want to go MIDI.
PROS: Small file sizes; can use it with other MIDI music and play along with your favorite songs
CONS: Sound quality is lacking unless you have a good sound card.
Amist the Blue Skies...