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3 Dimensional Chat / lightwave/3dmax scene exporter

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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 16:45
Last Time I used max was version 2 . anyways I want to create a scene exporter for max now,the lightwave ones working. Do you load individual objects into max?
Kevin Picone
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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 17:08
Well, were (well kohai) working on one at the moment. Perhaps a week or so and it'll be released..

Kevin Picone
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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 17:22
lol, thought you guys are doing stuff a bit lower level than me. Iam just doing the location rotation and scale routine i did with lightwave

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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 17:36
lol if your doing that theres not much point in me porting mine over . Ill stick to adding light/camera animation to my lightwave exporter.

Kevin Picone
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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 22:14
Nah, we just needed a world editor and figured max would be fine. It's designed for use with DB/Dbpro and of course Vis Worlds..

I'll have to write a vis world map exported for your lightwave scenes too.

However, I'm not saying don't write one.. feel free.. the more tools the better really...

Kevin Picone
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 04:01
Check out the examples provided within Max's Importer/Exporter portion of the SDK - shows you several formats, and DirectX is also within the Extra's download of the DirectX SDK (^_^)
also could always just script it, which all the help for is in the help file of max

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 13:34
okay iam going to play then. Good thing really cause I think exporting camera animations going to be painful. Ill check out the meblock mesh commands, about time I played with them. See if I can examine a single vertex and position the camera to that.

Iam hoping that the demo version of max has max script because thats the only way Iam going to get access to it

I should buy Vis for my real life work really, lol.

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