a lot of people been tlling about misfortunes recently, i had one today so thought i'd add.
i havent had a bike accedent for as long as i can remember, and today just annoys me cos it werent even my fault.
we were on the last leg of the route, which we take every weekend, and this was halfway between the 2nd check/rest point and home.
andy flirting to jenny (2 riders at the back in the pic below), and me n tom just had a race, so were a mile infront of em, and tom gave up the race when we reached an up hill, while i carried on speeding to get teh most momentum for the hill, and then the downhill on the other side came. i remember just starting to go down the hill (BIG HILL)
and then i woke up, and i went into a major high, so never noticed i had been asleep in the first place (how i managed to stay on the bike while asleep, god knows, but i lay it to the fact it was straight all the way)
in this high, i saw a pheseant on the side of the road (was riding through country lanes) and was like "weeeeeeeeheheheheheheeeeeeeee a pheasent go chase!!!" i knew too well that it was on the grassbank with a massive curb between the road and the grass, but as i was in such a high i went for it anyway.
as any experience bike rider knows, you CANNOT go up a curb when at an almost paralell angle:
everything that happened next went in real slow motion:
and then moments later:
well im still drowsy now, what was wierd was as soon as i got home, (i was in surprisingly low level of pain considering the accedent i just had- but thats what happens when u pass out, the pain just goes), and then a mate called for me, askin to borrow my bikepump, so i went to my bikeshed, forgetting what he wanted, pulled my bike out, which i'd only just put in, and rode off yelling "scott are u coming on this bike-ride or what?" forgetting that i'd just spent the whole day on a bike ride- thats concusion for ye.
i guess this is the bike version of sleeping at the wheel, tho i wasnt tired or anything so dont even know why i fell asleep in the first place.