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The 20 Line Challenge / Avoidance Game

Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 19:26
Geocities is not working on my PC for some bizarre reason, so I couldn't put this up for download. But here's the code instead:

hide mouse:Sync on:ink rgb(255,255,255),rgb(100,135,135):x=10:y=10im E(3,2):time=500:for b=1 to 3:E(b,1)=640-rnd(320):E(b,2)=480-rnd(240):next b
Cls:center text 320,240,"Ready?":sync:sync:wait 2000
do:cls:if upkey() then y=y-5
if downkey() then y=y+5
if leftkey() then x=x-5
if rightkey() then x=x+5
if x637 then x=637
if y477 then y=477
for l=1 to 3
if xe(l,1) then e(l,1)=e(l,1)+4
if ye(l,2) then e(l,2)=e(l,2)+4
box e(l,1)-2,e(l,2)-2,e(l,1)+2,e(l,2)+2
if x>e(l,1)-4 and xe(l,2)-4 and y
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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 18:05
Can you please re-post as code not readable

I love it when a plan comes together
Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 14th Dec 2002 13:21
*(&(*&&*!! The should read as a : then a D. Dumb Emoticons...

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Posted: 14th Dec 2002 14:09
Looks like there's code missing off the end of it.
Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 14:22
&**^%^%% PC!! *Stabs the Monitor* Well, Geocities is working again, so get the code off my site:
I'm not sure if I labelled it escape game or evasoin game, but it IS there.

Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 14:23
Anyway, I'm not sure if it counts as an entry, as there are more than 5 commands on each line. Oh, well, play it anyway...

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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 01:34
hide mouse:Sync on:ink rgb(255,255,255),rgb(100,135,135):x=10:y=10 dim E(3,2):time=500:for b=1 to 3:E(b,1)=640-rnd(320):E(b,2)=480-rnd(240):next b
Cls:center text 320,240,"Ready?":sync:sync:wait 2000
do:cls:if upkey() then y=y-5
if downkey() then y=y+5
if leftkey() then x=x-5
if rightkey() then x=x+5
if x637 then x=637
if y477 then y=477
for l=1 to 3
if xe(l,1) then e(l,1)=e(l,1)+4
if ye(l,2) then e(l,2)=e(l,2)+4
box e(l,1)-2,e(l,2)-2,e(l,1)+2,e(l,2)+2
if x>e(l,1)-4 and xe(l,2)-4 and y

Code of the Week: Moving an object back.
If Downkey()=1 then Move object x,-10
x=Object Number
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 01:34

Code of the Week: Moving an object back.
If Downkey()=1 then Move object x,-10
x=Object Number
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 11:44
and once again, not f*%(!* readable!

You do know how to insert code as a 'snippet' don't you?

After pasting your code into 'message' box, highlight the text of just the program and click on 'code' button. It will insert a beginning and end 'code' tags. Make sure these tags are on their own lines as they don't work properly otherwise.

You then get whole thing in a clickable box type thingy

I love it when a plan comes together
Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 13:47
I know how to use the code box, But For some reason bits of code keep being left out...? ^&*^! I'll fix it later.

Howling Mad Murdoch, at your service.
The Darthster
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Posted: 8th Jan 2003 01:12
Most likely because you are using > and < symbols, which are apparently interpreted as HTML tags, and thus not displayed since they are not standard html. Hmm, that gives me an <b><marquee> idea </marquee></b>

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