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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Primative Object Movement

The Wendigo
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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 10:48
I hit a major snag that just doesn't make sence. What I want to know is if someone can replicate my bug:

Ok, it's pretty obvious what this is supposed to do, however what happens to me is the object rotates (like it should) but it does not move in its new direction! It keeps moving at the same trajectory!

I'm amazed at how hard it can be to make a space simulater
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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 12:52
I think you'll find that the 0.01 is actually moving the object, but very very VERY slowly. Try 0.05 for example instead, or even 0.1

Yes, I really am THAT good...
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Posted: 20th Sep 2002 13:42
That seems to be a known bug ( turn object not working)
check out the post about the big bug list here around

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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 00:40
Ah yes, that bug has caused me some problems too. Hopefully it'll be fixed with the next patch release.

I know everything! At least I don't know anything I don't know.
The Wendigo
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 04:08
Well, that appears to not be all. I just found that rolling an object using the ROLL OBJECT LEFT (or RIGHT) method does not seem to roll around the object axis, but instead the world axis!

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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 20:45
wendigo can u do that script again but so i can just type and object etxc to use into it. i couldnt understand the last lot. i dont really no much yet. perhaps use the tutorial script and modifyu it. cheers bro

ShadowHarlequin aka Cyclone

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