Well I just purchased and recieved Blue GUI and I must say, its everything I had hoped for (Cant wait for version 2). Anyways whyll goofing around trying to learn about how to mess with the gadgets I made this (EXTREMLY) simple web browser. It has much missing of course but hey, havn't seen anything like it so far on the code snippets forum, so I thought I'd post it.
*UPDATED* Thanks to the correction by Phaelax.
set window size 800,600
set window title "Gamers Explorer"
Setup GUI "Gamers Explorer","????"
sync on : sync rate 60
backdrop on : color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
create gadget explorer 1
open url 1,"http://urhere.redgaming.net"
position gadget 1,0,20
resize gadget 1,792,548
create gadget edit 2
resize gadget 2,690,20
create gadget button 3,"GO"
set gadget 3,700,0,32,20
gosub surf:
wait key
website$=get gadget text(2)
if gadget state(3)=1
open url 1,"http://" + website$
url$=current url(1)
paint gadget 1
set window title "Gamers Explorer: " + url$
wait key