Look first point of fact here is...
There is Science Theory and Science Fact;
They're not allowed to teach theory in A-Level, UNLESS it can be proven there is a relationship and the students are willing to accept it is a theory.
According to the link you provided Gravitons = Bosons; Gravitons cannot be proven but are believed to exist, I dont' deal with Science Fiction, only Science Fact. Boson's are proven to be there.
Sub-Atomic structures, works exactly like the Atomic structure, the relationships all go forward and actually prove that Gravity is nothing more than an Electrically created Field that affects objects on the atomic structure rather than the molecular structure that magnatism does.
As I said it is all about ORDERING particles, which is where String Theory comes in, and to a point proves that all Atoms are structured as looped strings, as when the order is given a direction and state no matter how fast you speed up the particles all it does is create the field around them to be stronger rather than splitting them apart.
It is how current 'Anti'-Gravity fields are formed, but as there is still not enough know about what is going on at the Sub-Atomic level, there is no way to predict or calculate how to control the reaction. So this often results in the atoms shattering and becomming unstructured ionic plasma.
Quote: "Why say something like that? Where did you learn that? Show me the link. That is complete crap. Gravity has nothing to do with Electrons, Protons or Magnetism - that's electro static force."
It's part of the Thesis I did for my Masters at the Derby University.
Tell me, what is Electro Static Force? How do you describe it and how do you explain it?
Go through the Periodic Chart, circle the atomic structures that are magnetic. Compare them to the other atomic structures.
It should be easily noticeably what they have which others don't.
Next thing you need to understand is what is the Electro-Static force and how does that work?
If you notice when you cause Static electricity only certain materials can build up this (again if you look at them on the periodic table you'll notice a corilation). What causes it is the alteration of the atoms density which offsets the balance...
Balanced an atom = -+ behaviour, Magnetic Structures have an ordered - switching it from a -- to a -+ structure (-+)+ ; the order of which streams from the end you set the polarisation ... Ionic have eccess - which outbalance the + this means the overall structure is (--)+ ... this causes atomic attaction.
You can outbalance an atom in a similar way to cause a -(++) effect which repels atomically.
It's all about balancing the atomic structure, you off balance it and you can manipulate what happens.
I would have to look at my paper again to find the research i did on it.
As for the fibre optics. your assuming that only 1 side setup...
Remember inside a jacket the jackets fibers would hide the colours at an angle meaning you need OTHER fiber optics at given angles.
It's exactly like how a cube map works; you reverse the faces being shown, which wouldn't work if you apply the cubemap using model space but a fiber optic wouldn't... it would apply an FOV pixel; which means you'd be applying it via the Projection matrix