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3 Dimensional Chat / Decompiling and Compiling in MilkShape help!

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Joined: 12th Dec 2002
Posted: 15th Dec 2002 01:41
Strange problem with either the compile or decompile stage.
Ok let me begin by telling you exactly what im doing, this is just for testing.. What im doing is chosing a default skin from CS like the P90 for example. Now I go into MilkShape and go to Tools > Decompile (i have decompiled in every way already.. left, right, and normal). So now I have my decompiled files in a directory. Then without editing anything at all I simple go to Tools > Compile QC (the QC file I compiled with is from when we decompiled in the previouse step). So all I did was decompile then compile a skin... and this is what I get always....

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