me too... but it was written for DB 1.13 and it works fine under DB classic.
However this version works mostly correctly under DBP.
It seems that DBP won't accept
sync: loop
but it will accept
for some strange reason.
So here is the 20 line version modified to work with DBP (I have also added a frame rate limiter because it was way to fast otherwise):
sync on: sync rate 40: hide mouse: autocam off: create bitmap 1,128,128
for k=1 to 720: ink RGB(255,0,0),0: a#=k: line 64,64,64+60*sin(a#/2),64+60*cos(a#/2): next k
for k=1 to 720: ink RGB(254,96,1),0: a#=k: line 64,64,64+40*sin(a#/2),64+40*cos(a#/2): next k
for k=1 to 720: ink RGB(255,153,0),0: a#=k: line 64,64,64+20*sin(a#/2),64+20*cos(a#/2): next k
blur bitmap 1,8: get image 1,0,0,128,128: delete bitmap 1: position camera 0,200,0
for k=101 to 200: make object plain k,15,15: ghost object on k: texture object k,1: next k
for k=1 to 5:make object box k,10,10,2:color object k,RGB(255,0,0):next k: color backdrop 0
position object 1,0,0,100: for k=2 to 5:yrotate object k,object angle y(k-1)+72:move object k,100:next k
for k=1 to 4:point object k,0,0,0:next k
do: if d<6250 then inc d,50
cay#=camera angle y(): for k=1 to 5: scale object k,d,d,5:next k
for k=1 to 5: for n=(101+(k-1)*20) to (100+k*20)
ppz#=100*cos((k-1)*72)+100*sin(wrapvalue(90-(k-1)*72)) :ppx#=100*sin((k-1)*72)+100*cos(wrapvalue(90-(k-1)*72))
if object visible(n)=0 then position object n,ppx#,625,ppz#: show object n
aaa#=wrapvalue((cay#)-(k-1)*72+90): if object visible(n)=1 then position object n,object position x(n)*cos(aaa#),350,object position z(n)*sin(aaa#)
rotate object n,90,0,0: if rnd(3)=0 then hide object n
next n: next k: cy#=camera position y(): if cy#<900 then inc cy#,5
rotate camera 90,wrapvalue(cay#+5),0: position camera 0,cy#,0
NOBODY has a forum name as stupid as Darth Shader. I do.