Thanks for your comments.
That's how I made the speed :
IF Timer() > DropLag + Lenteur THEN DEC objposy : DropLag = Timer()
` Lenteur = slowliness (erm ... don't know what it is, but the opposite of speed)
And in the main loop, I have :
IF DOWNKEY() = 1 THEN Lenteur = 0 ELSE Lenteur = 10
So when you press the downkey, it can't be faster
But be carefull, when you reach level 3, you need that time to find the element on your table.
And for the sound, I have a slight little problem : When I let loop some MidiFile, it freezes the programm lightly, when it starts the music over again. If somebody knows how to fix it, I'll be happy to get that in.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell : it's DBCe
- Mind the gap -