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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 13:14
ok, i don't like to bitch about what DBPro hasn't got already (i hadn't really expected it to, this is very new). VP3 is a new video/audio codec that absolutly free, it completely open source, and is looking like it can take on the big existing ones. Its already being used by realnetworks and apple quicktime. According to the website;

"VP3 allows for the highest quality video, at the lowest possible data rates while still retaining the video's full frame-rate. The result is a clear 320x240 video that can be expanded to a full-screen 640x480 resolution."

I think this would be a fantastic addition to DBPro, and being free, it advoids all those lisencing fees and things.
anyway, just a thought.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 13:30
Cant say I've heard of it, but it sounds interesting...

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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 14:08
Just tried it, and it doesn't seem that good - the demo video was leaving a lot of artifacts around.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 17:29
It still sounds like it would be good to include it into the features of DBPro although bug fixng will be their main concern at the present moment in time.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2002 18:34
does it have DLL support for existing applications?

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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 20:52
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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 01:07
If it's a codec then it should work if you have it installed. Just like with DivX AVI files. They work in DBv1 if you have the codec installed.

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