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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Does LOOP OBJECT work?

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Joined: 13th Sep 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 21st Sep 2002 04:06
OK, so i'v got a basic game engine up and running, but i can't get any of my models to animate, i used the models from the room demo and they didn't work and some models from the old DB and they didn't work either. I would test it with MD3 models but they won't even load they and crash db.

So LOOP OBJECT won't work or PLAY OBJECT either, and i was so close to finishing my demo!

It would be brill if anyone can tell me how to fix this weird problem.

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Location: Ireland
Posted: 21st Sep 2002 04:41
Well I was using these commands in my game I started in DBv1 and I had it working grand but when I compile it through DBPro the animations are a bit screwed up. Somtimes they animate somtimes they don't and the speeds seemed to have changed too. I haven't had a chance to get stuck into fixing the animations so it may just be a case of tweaking some of the commands or there could be bugs with object animation. I'll have a mess around with it tommorow.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 05:13
OK had a quick look at it. I tried loop object without stating any frames and it works grand and adjusting the speed works grand too but if you use the stop object command you can't use loop object to loop it again.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 05:30
Sorry it's not the stop object command, that works fine too. It seems to be object looping() that's giving me trouble.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 05:32
object looping() doesn't reset to 0 when you use stop object
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 14:40
I'm not using any commands like that though so it should work but it doesn't, i'll just wait for the second patch to come out which will hopefully fix it.

Thanks 4 the help

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