Seems you have an Aceex/Connexant AWR51/2 Router or similar.
You need to configure the following under Virtual Server Configuration.
ID - Public Port - Private Port - Port Type - Host IP Address
nn - 7777 - 7777 - UDP - (Local LAN IP Address )
nn - 7778 - 7778 - UDP - (Local LAN IP Address )
nn - 7787 - 7787 - UDP - (Local LAN IP Address )
nn - 28902 - 28902 - TCP - (Local LAN IP Address )
nn - 80 - 80 - TCP - (Local LAN IP Address )
*nn should be auto numbered for new entries.
*(Local LAN address is the IP adrress of your local PC i.e. etc ).
*The last entry on port 80 is port set via listen port [UT2004.INI] that the webadmin runs on (does not have to be 80 upto you ).
Not sure why you already have an external port 2000 configured to point to an internal port of 80 (usually HTTP), but I'm sure you know.
You also need to reconfigure your UT2004.ini file but theres plenty about that on the web.
The coder formerly known as Twynklet.