Hey well iam making a MMORPG or just a ORPG but here are pics of my progress
See website for future updates
8/31/04 UPDATE:
-Battle system is still being worked on
-Added battle music fade in when a battle is started and fades out when its ended
-Exp gain
-Monsters fade out when dead given amount of time
-Making a item system
-Internal things been fixed / changed
8/07/04 UPDATE:
-Added a rough Sun and Moon system (DrakeX provided me with the basic outline on how to do it)
-Still working on internal stuff
-Working on first spell animation
-Redoing Male model for a better one
7/28/04 UPDATE:
-Battle System 70% Completed
-Working on a Inventory
-System Messages are up
-Monsters stop moving,attack,etc when HP is 0
-Working on a Death()
-Fixing up AI
7/20/04 UPDATE:
-Made a Targeting system 65% Complete
-Organized objects loaded for easy array usage
-Recoding Battle system for array use
-Made a Menu system
-Made chatbox (backspace doesnot work now)
-Started on the first City
-Made first portal
Making better games everday!
Oh yeah and just so you know its Oh-nek-a not One-ka!