Ok, heres the thing, my computer seems stuck. Am normally totally fine with this (9X gets a format as soon as it raises it's buggy head for instance), but is XP Pro (never had one go wrong in XP) and I really really don't want to format this one. Am hoping it isn't hardware as it's only a year old. Bloody things are supposed to go wrong after 3 years, as everyone knows.... always when you are thinking of getting a new one... hmmm, am thinking of a new laptop...
When I boot it up everything is fine until it gets to a complaint screen, about how it all went wrong last time blah blah blah. Now no matter what I choose, safe mode or not, it gets to the loading screen then sits there totally stuck. Annoyingly it doesn't say your disk drive is stuffed or anything. I haven't installed any new hardware or software in at least 2 weeks BTW, and my virus killer didn't mention anything. I did however leave it on for about a month constantly. This is a pretty regular effort though for about it's whole life. Then when I came back today it was frozen on the desktop.
Ok, so normally with 9X I would bung the windows disk back in and let it sort itself out, with the extreme option of letting it format everything and start again. Normally this is fine. However my XP pro disk just tells me if I want to do an automated recovery (of course I never used the backup option in the first place), then installs the usual million drivers, and then says something like "Setup now starting windows", and then sits there. It leaves the DVD light on, but you can eject it, put it back in, the light goes out, no complaints. Hmmm.
Now I left it an hour in case it needed cooling down or something, and I've run a NTFS disk scanning DOS program to check I can actually see the drive. Which I can. Or at least it looks alright.
So, any suggestions before I do the next step and buy a new hard drive in the hope I can recover (NTFS DOS program outputs look promising) most stuff from my old hard drive?
Oh, and another clue is for the last few weeks I've noticed it has been running quite slow sometimes. Especially when accessing the hard drive after spin down. And I mean real slow.
So, 300Gb effort on order in about half an hour, unless I can be talked down. Hmmmm... 300Gb.... gibber...
Luckily I could make a Wendy house from my computers, so I'm not exactly killing myself. But still, it's the best one for UT2004, and I keep getting stared at by some weird cat out of the window on this machine....
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing