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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Missing command in help

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Joined: 27th Aug 2002
Posted: 21st Sep 2002 11:17
The "#include" command is not listed in the help files.
David T
Retired Moderator
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Joined: 27th Aug 2002
Location: England
Posted: 21st Sep 2002 16:57
And while we're on the subject, the Index isn't in Alphabetical order : Save object animation and Save Array are not next to each other.

I love Star Trek.
Especially the Episodes with Starships in.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2002 19:11
Hey, there is a #include command! Didn't know that.
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Ireland
Posted: 21st Sep 2002 22:22
I think the new editor kinda does away with the need to use #include as it automatically includes any dba files you have listed in your project. Maybe it's been left out of the help cos new users or new projects don't need it but yet it still works for backward compatability.
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Ireland
Posted: 21st Sep 2002 22:24
The cd command is no longer in the help either but yet it still works. Set dir seems to be the prefered command now although I liked cd cos it was shorter.

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