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Program Announcements / My new games

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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 23:50
Here is my latest game.
Mine are simple and done just for fun.

The latest one is BUG KILLER.

Download here...

Another one of mine is The Towers.

Download here...

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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 23:54
Why can't my images work, I am doing it right???

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Posted: 21st Dec 2002 01:29
Highlight them and click the img button

Towers of Hanoi - Classic man classic

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Posted: 21st Dec 2002 03:16


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Posted: 21st Dec 2002 03:17
ok.... this forum must be messed up...

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Posted: 21st Dec 2002 03:36
I may be a girl, but I am not dumb.
I can read the instructions on how to do the images.
But it never works for me.
It must just not like me.

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Posted: 21st Dec 2002 22:32
Sorry, I didn't mean any offense, was only trying to help PLUS if you're a girl - yay that makes 3 now lol go post under general/'female programmers' and support Rose and Compton

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:48

Kousen DPB RPG latest - Working on editors!
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:48
Lol, welcome to the forums

Kousen DPB RPG latest - Working on editors!
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 02:01
That's OK Kanagaroo2, I was smiling when I typed it.
I didn't mean anything by it.

Also, I went to the general forum and saw that post...
It made me remember why I never go to that forum.
Those posts are terrible.
I'm not going to be a part of that.
Denki... didn't work did it!
Who's going to try next?
Any way...
Has anybody tried the games?

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 02:48
lol yeah full of hormonal teens tryin it on. I like the towers game, like I said Towers of Hanoi is cool. We had to do a maths paper on it at GCSE, and I also had a version on my old Mobile (VBox)

If the normal way doesn't work I won't embarrass myslef by trying to post the pics lol

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 03:20

Lets try my luck!


PS- Welcome!

Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny : Help Wanted!
Upcoming- MMOFPS- Paintball Game: HELP WANTED!
John H
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 03:21
I fail Maybe it has to be a bmp?


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Upcoming- MMOFPS- Paintball Game: HELP WANTED!
Rob K
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 03:33

That towers game (if I calculate correctly) takes over 1000 moves to complete! Don't you think you should only have 5 rings or let the user choose the number of rings.

NOBODY has a forum name as stupid as Darth Shader. I do.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 03:41
Good games. The towers game is cool and looks very polished. Haven't beat it yet but will play until I do. Bugkiller is a bit too slow for me, I doubt it's frame rates. Could do with a bit of extra speed and maybe multiple/faster bugs as it gets harder.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 04:25
My best score on the Tower game is 1031.
I made a few mistakes, so I know it can be less.
But it will be over 1000.

Darth Shader...
No, the game is played with ten rings.
I can do 5 with my eyes closed.
The whole thing is a formula, once you get it; it is easy.

The bug killer game is a remake of a 2D game I made in Flash.
I tried doing it in DBpro, but I just ran into too many obsticles.
Like the bug was all messed up in pro, but was right in classic.
And pro... I am just not so sure about it.

I did spend much more time on the tower game than I did with the other one.
I only do it for fun.
I am Medical Assistant and in school to become a Surgical Assistant and I don't have much time on my hands.
If I can't make a game within a few days, I loose interest.

Thanks for the nice words.
Rob K
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 23:17
"The whole thing is a formula, once you get it; it is easy."

>> which is why I consider 10 rings to be dragging the whole thing out too long.

I know it is a formula - I got a piece of paper out and spent about 10 minutes working out how to do it. I managed to do it in 1050 moves but a quick recursion calculation written in VB came up with a minimum no. of moves of 1022.

It becomes a bit tiresome that is all. With 5 rings, the user still has to work out how it works, but doesn't have to spend the next 3 years clicking on and on. It is easy but takes forever otherwise.

Apart from that, it is nicely polished with the flowing water and the sound effects.

NOBODY has a forum name as stupid as Darth Shader. I do.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 23:59
Wow DS, pretty impressive!
You figured all that out?!?!?
1022 sounds about right too.

I understand what you mean about having 5 rings instead of 10... BUT!!

Keeping the concentration going for that many rings is part of the challenge.

Plus... I didn't make the game up and that is how many rings it has always had.
Blame China, I think they are the ones who invented it.

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 00:29

Well... I had read (about 2 weeks ago) a tutorial on recursion in Delphi, so that did help me get into the right frame of mind a bit quicker.

Sometimes it takes forever to 'get' a puzzle (that bloody Rubix cube), other times you get it easily.

NOBODY has a forum name as stupid as Darth Shader. I do.
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 00:49
I think I figured out the way of doing it but with so many rings it is easy to lose track. I spent ages at it yesterday and got down to the last ring. At that stage my head was wrecked and I gave up.
Rob K
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 16:13
Its one of those puzzels that looks far easier than it actually is. I like those.

Here is one for you:

You have a 5 litre container, a 3 litre container and a pool of water.

How do you get EXACTLY 4 litres of water (you have no measuring equipment)

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 17:01
1)fill the 3l and pour into the 5l

2)fill the 3l again and pour as much as possible into the 5l, you should have 1 litre of water left in the 3l

3)empty the 5l bottle and pour the contents of the 3l into it

4)fill the 3l for the last time then pour it into the 5l

don't you just love die hard 3

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 00:36
Ok guys... you think you're so smart...

You have 8 ball-bearings and one is hollow.
The weight difference is so slight that you can't feel it by hand.
All you have is one of those balance beam scales.
You know, the one that has two plates on either side.

You have to use this scale to find the hollow ball bearing.
The challenge...
you can only use the scale twice.
How do you do it?

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 02:03
Quite easy - get someone else to work it out...

Good news everyone! I really am THAT good...
Oh my, yes...
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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 05:32
That one's easier than the water one.

-Put three on one side of the scale and three on the other. (WEIGHING ONE)
-If they balance, discard all balls on the scale and weigh the last two (WEIGHING TWO). The lighter one is the hollow ball bearing. (Finished)
-If they don't balance, discard all ball bearings on the heavy side, and the two you didn't weigh.
-Weight two of the remaining three (WEIGHING TWO).
-If they balance, the remaining ball bearing is the hollow one (finished)
-Else the lighter one on the scale is the hollow one. (Finish)

This is a programmers forum Randi. Most of us are switched on to this sorta stuff. I got that in about 30 seconds.

Here's one the mathematicians and algorithm-magicians amoungst you won't have an advantage on ...

A cowboy rides into town on sunday. Three days later he leaves on sunday. How did he do it?

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 05:51
Well you're just outstanding Mr. Fallout.

And thanks for letting me know that this is a programmers forum.
You see, I did not know that.
I have been on Mars, in a cave, with my eyes closed, and my fingers stuck in my ears.

Any way...
The answer to your riddle could be many things.
But one, that I got in 30 seconds, would be that his horse is named sunday.

On another note...
Fallout, is your birthday really on Aug 14th?
That is mine.
Except in 1971.
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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 15:47
I thought smilies were invented to help convey emotion and humour over the internet. It really pisses me off how they blatently don't work and nobody ever pays a blind bit of attention to them. That wink smily is supposed to show that I'm playing around and teasing a little bit. I wasn't being offensive. You clearly looked at my DOB. Give me a bit of credit for being a little more mature than some of the kids around here.

Thanks so much for making me feel like a big-headed twat when I was just teasing and trying to get in on the fun.

Btw, you may have more life experience being 10 years older, but really playing the age card on a 21 year old is reaching a little. Ahh well, we're both Leos. What more can I say?

That wink is supposed to be a "still playful, no hard feelings" etc. wink as opposed to a "slimey, I'm better than you" wink.

As for the riddle - you were right of course, except for the fact that it wasn't his horse. But he's a cowboy, so he gets away with that sorta thing.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 16:57
Well Fallout...
It is hard to convey emotions over the web, and you have taken my messages out of context.
I figured you were playing around, but it could have gone both ways.

And for this...
"I have been on Mars, in a cave, with my eyes closed, and my fingers stuck in my ears."
That is just a line from The Simpsons.

And the age card?
I wasn't playing an age card.

What happened was...
I read your reply and just wanted to see your profile, no real reason.
The first thing noticed was your DOB and how it was the same month and day as me.

So I said something about it, and I was just simply stating that all was the same except for the year.
Believe me... I wish I wasn't 31.

In conclusion:
I wasn't trying to put you down and I didn't think you meant anything negative from your post.
You are probably a very nice guy.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 17:29
hey one of my freinds really winds me up with that mind testing crap. see if you can work out these
there are three light switches and three lights in another room you are only alowd/aloud into the room with the lights once and you need to find out which switch corresponds with which light (i havent worked this out yet)

you have two balbearings one hollow but they weigh exactly the same which is which?

irritating aren't they?

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 17:45
Weird ones Benny. Can't tell if they're scientific riddles or trick questions ...

I'm guessing the answer to number one is you turn on two light switches, but one your turn on a long time before the other. So you switch one on, wait half an hour or something then turn on a second. Then you walk in to the room with the lights. The one that is off is the switch you never flicked. The light that is on but cold is the one you just flicked, and the light that is on but hot is the one you flicked first.

Is that all the information for question 2? I would conclude that the hollow one would be large, due to the fact its empty on the inside and needs to contain the same metalic volume of the non-hollow one. It might float too. Who knows? Weird.

Btw, Randi, no hard feelings. It's just the usual miscommunication of the internet. My joking nature is clear IRL, but totally obscurred by the net.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 18:40
hay thats a good answer to the light switch one!

the ballbearings is quite simple even tho they look exactly the same.
there are two ways of finding out
1: roll them up a slope and the one that goes further is hollow 'cause it has more momentum (all the weight is on the outside)
2: drop them onto a perfectly smooth hard surface and the one that bounces slightly is hollow because it has more elasticity.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2002 20:25
That is very interesting Fallout.

"My joking nature is clear IRL, but totally obscurred by the net."

In some ways we are a lot alike. Maybe their is something to Astrology.
I feel the same way.
I am very joking in nature and pretty sarcastic too.
It's only a joke with me though and I do not mean anything by it.
I believe you have to have a good sense of humor in life.

Any way...
The answer to the light bulb question is REALLY impressive.
Now, I would have never thought of that.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 00:06
They're good answers to those ball bearing ones. It's all about the physics. I normally solve those sort of riddles by just thinking of all the characterists/attributes of the objects in question until one helps solve the problem. Helps a lot with solving bugs with db too.

And Randi, glad we got that sorted. Our sign is the lion, so I guess that says it all. Here's a snippet from this weeks leo horoscope "Remain neutral while others go off the deep end or over the top.". haha. I dont believe in that jazz, but funnily enough one of my best friends was born on the 14th of August also, and it's frightning how much we had in common before we met.

As for us? We have game making in common, but I'm guessing it stops there, unless you're into drum'n'bass and modifying cars and car stereos too.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 03:05

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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 04:05
HMMM... Let's see...
drum'n'bass and modifying cars and car stereos...

No and no.

So I guess you are not into sewing, make-up, shoes, and having sex with guys either.

But I meant personality traits any way.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 04:47
I've made my own hoodies and even customized a baseball cap before with sewing. I once donned face paints when we played paintball at hotshots and I'm very much into my DCs and Etnies footgear. Uhhh .... nuff said about the last one the better.

Hmmm .. lets see. Personality traits. Here's a sum up of me. See how similar you think you are.
I get on with everyone and anyone. I'm one of those people who adapt to the company I'm with so that I feel more comfortable and minimize all personality conflicts. I can't think of or name a single enemy.
I try and make a subtle joke out of most things if I can, but hold back on the crap jokes.
I think of myself as an emotional problem solver - I'm always the one everyone talks to about relationships.
I find I prefer the local pub to going out to big pubs and clubs. Always prefer the company of a few close mates, at the local or at home with some beers rather than huge piss ups.
I can enjoy my own time for ages and ages ... all day if I get engrossed in a project, but at the end of it, I always look to other people for company. I have about 4 or 5 close friends and a bunch of "casual" friends, rather than a whole load of people I always hang with.
I get a tear in my eye at sad movies and can enjoy a romance if I force myself to watch it, but I also love watching people get disemboweled in action flicks with massive knives and machine guns.
I'm very passionate about my art. I write music, draw by hand, make computer graphics, and obviously make games. I get a lot of pride and satisfaction from this.
Smoker, drinker, get out of bed as late as possible, stay up till the early hours of the morning.

And .. uhh .. I could go on and on and on, but this is a programmers forum and nobody wants to read this stuff. But lets test your theory Randi. How similar are you?

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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 20:37
First...It's not my theory. I do not believe in Astrology.
Just curious, that is all.

"I get on with everyone and anyone. I'm one of those people who adapt to the company I'm with so that I feel more comfortable and minimize all personality conflicts. I can't think of or name a single enemy."
Same here

"I try and make a subtle joke out of most things if I can, but hold back on the crap jokes."
Same here

"I think of myself as an emotional problem solver - I'm always the one everyone talks to about relationships."
Same here

"I find I prefer the local pub to going out to big pubs and clubs. Always prefer the company of a few close mates, at the local or at home with some beers rather than huge piss ups."
Same here

"I can enjoy my own time for ages and ages ... all day if I get engrossed in a project, but at the end of it, I always look to other people for company."
Very same here

"I have about 4 or 5 close friends and a bunch of "casual" friends, rather than a whole load of people I always hang with."
Same here

"I get a tear in my eye at sad movies"
No, I cry

"love watching people get disemboweled in action flicks with massive knives and machine guns."
Rather watch a comedy

"I'm very passionate about my art. I write music, draw by hand, make computer graphics, and obviously make games. I get a lot of pride and satisfaction from this."
Very much into art. Used to be more

"Smoker, drinker, get out of bed as late as possible, stay up till the early hours of the morning."
I am in the medical field and I do not smoke. Smoking is the single worse thing you can do to your body.
Can cause brochitis, asthma, COPD, emphysema, laryngitis, and cancer. It also lowers your immune system and causes excess acid in your stomach; which will lead to ulcers.
I could go on.

Dinking isn't so bad as long as it is in moderation.

Getting out of bed late and go to bed late.
Nope... I get up at 5:15 to go to work or school.
I usually fall asleep very early.

So what does that tell us?
Nothing... I guess.

Here is another riddle.
Now I will say, right from the start, that this is very easy and you may have heard it.

You have a chicken, a wolf, and a bag of corn.
You have to get all three across the river and you can carry only one at a time.
You can not leave the wolf with the chicken, because it will eat it.
You can not leave the chicken with the corn, because it will eat it.
How do you get them across?

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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 07:28
It's really early in the morning, so I dont have the energy to get my head around that riddle, but I'll just assume there's a bridge or something.

Oh, actually, I just had a quick think anyway. Take the chicken across. Go back, take the wolf across. Take the chicken back with you, put her there, grab the corn, take it across to the wolf. Go back, grab the chicken, bring it across. Basically, you have to take the chicken both ways at some point.

Still think a bridge would've made more sense.

As for the similarity thing, there were quite a few. Now, smoking .... well, let me justify it (I know I cant cos it is bad, but humour me ... )
"Smoking is the single worse thing you can do to your body."
How about contracting syphillis?
"Can cause brochitis, asthma, COPD, emphysema, laryngitis, and cancer."
Yeah, but it can also relieve stress, pass the time, aid digestion and make you look cool in front of young misguided school girls.
"It also lowers your immune system"
I only ever get a cough when I stop smoking. Keep them lungs paralysed, that's what I say.
"causes excess acid in your stomach which will lead to ulcers."
I eat vast quantities of super hot curry, drink loads of soft drinks and eat pickled onions like M&Ms so I think smoking related stomach ulcers are the least of my worries.

As for my drinking, it is in moderation. I'm always moderately concious in a moderately familiar place.

hehe. But as for smoking, for real, I know it's bad. I dont honestly try to justify it. I just know that I WILL quit when I want to, and for now, I'm only smoking about 8 lights a day.

Anyways, back to the riddles. Let me think of one, if I can.
What does a blind man see, a deaf man hear, and if u eat it you're sure to die?

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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 07:57
Sorry... can't humor you on smoking.

"Smoking is the single worse thing you can do to your body."
How about contracting syphillis?

Syphillis is not something one does on purpose.

"Can cause brochitis, asthma, COPD, emphysema, laryngitis, and cancer."
Yeah, but it can also relieve stress, pass the time, aid digestion and make you look cool in front of young misguided school girls.

Smoking is very unattractive!! And you will feel much better if you stop.

"It also lowers your immune system"
I only ever get a cough when I stop smoking.

(Randi shakes her head back and forth)

"causes excess acid in your stomach which will lead to ulcers."
I eat vast quantities of super hot curry, drink loads of soft drinks and eat pickled onions like M&Ms so I think smoking related stomach ulcers are the least of my worries.

None of that stuff even compares to smoking.

You know...
People have jumped out of airplanes and not had their chute open and lived to tell about it.
So are you willing to jump out with out one?

People have been bitten by cobras and lived.
Are you willing to let one bite you?

On the other hand...
People have died from things as simple as a bee sting.

I won't go on about smoking.
But take my advise. Quit...quit now!!!
I have seen what it can do and it is not pretty or worth any pleasure you get from it.
Just ask anyone dieing of cancer or someone with emphysema who has to use their hands pushing on their chest to exhale.

You are right about the riddle.
Not the bridge part though, the pattern.

The answer to you riddle is... Nothing.
Blind men see nothing, deaf men hear nothing, and if you eat nothing you will die.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 17:24
I fully understand the risks of smoking, but I also know the risks are very very low for a short term smoker. Smoke for years and years or passively inhale it for years and years, and you run a substantial risk of all those things you mentioned.

But look at me ....
I smoked for 9 months, about 12 a day when I was working doing a shitty service job. Then I quit for about a year. Now since I've gone back to uni for my new course, I'm smoking a modest amount. I'm fully concious, all the time, that smoking is bad for me. I'm smart enough to not be able to brush off the concerns. I make an intelligent choice when it comes to smoking. I enjoy it a lot, and I know that in the short term it'll do no substantial damage. I know that if I keep smoking for years and years, these risks increase more and more. However, I don't intend to, and I'll easily stick with that intention. I do not have an addictive personality, and I know I can quit easily when I feel I should. I've done it before.

So don't worry about me. I'm always concious of the fact I shouldn't be smoking, and if I ever got to the stage where I looked at my smoking timeframe and thought "Jesus .. 3 years of smoking", then I'd definitely pack it in for good. As it is at the moment, I'm a new born smoker in the scheme of things. I'm fit and healthy, exercise, diet-wise (except for the hot curries .. hehe), so it'd take some bad luck for my smoking habbit to bring me down any time soon.

The best thing I can do is stick to sunny beachy Bournemouth and keep my tender lungs out of the vile stinking atmospheres of London and other big English cities. Did you know that cars fitted with cat-converters actually put out air 5 times more pure than they take in when driving through london? At least when smoking you have the choice of a smoke filled breath, or a clean air filled one.

But anyyyyyway. You got my riddle too, but it wasn't the nastiest of riddles. I'm all riddled out for now though. Can't think of anymore. I might make up my own one at some point, just so I know nobody will have heard it before.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 18:51
Yes... I am all riddled out myself.

But your thoughts on mild cigarette smoking are wrong.
If you don't believe me, look it up.
One cigarette a day is bad and will do damage.
It is said that if the effects of smoking would show up on the outside of the body, no one would smoke.

But the fact is it doesn't for a long time.
The effects are out of sight, so out of mind.
When they do finally surface, and they will, it will be too late.

I haven't even gone into heart disease yet.
Your lungs and heart work VERY close together.
The right side of your heart pumps blood into the lungs and releases CO2, which is waste from organs, and picks up O2, which is fuel for organs.
Blood is then pumped back into the left side and then to the rest of the body.
The first organ to get the blood, from the aorta, is the heart itself.
These are the coronary arteries.
So the very first organ to get this blood, which has picked up toxins from the cigarette smoke, is the heart itself.
Not smart, not smart at all.

Here are some pretty pictures for you.

That's all I will say about smoking, I promise.

Except that it also stinks and you will attract a better class of women by not smoking.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 18:52
Oh yeah!!!
Now the images work!!!
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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 20:12
yuk... just thought id say that...

Once you start down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny...
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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 20:52
First of all, those pictures are beautiful. What is that??? The stew you cooked last night? The fungus from between your toes? That jelly stuff you get from kids play sets??! hehehe. Those sort of pictures only work against ignorant people who really are so stupid they have no idea what they're doing. Those drink driving ads mean nothing to me, because I know the risks of drink driving already, and dont have to have it drilled into me. (I dont drink drive btw ... I might risk my own health, but I wouldnt disk anyone elses).

Intelligent people know the risks and make an educated choice. I have made mine. Smoke for fun in the short term where the effects are negligable and recoverable. Do not smoke for the long run, because I know those threats you mentioned are serious. Believe me, I dont want to get cancer ... although smoking helps prevent alseihmers (no idea how to spell that).

I know you feel strongly about that, and I understand the magnitude of it all. I've just made an educated choice. You forgot to mention for your argument that it costs a hell of a lot, yellows your teeth and fingers etc. But I know that if I smoke a few mild cigarettes a day for a short period of time, my chances of disease etc. are slight, and the damage done to my lungs and body is recoverable.

As for attracting a better quality of women without smoking. haha. That's terrible, but I guess it could be a contrast between both our societies. There is no difference in calibre between female smokers and non-smokers here. The only difference is, it's often a really useful way to get the ball rolling. Asking for a light, offering a light, offering a cigarette etc. Lot less cliched and obvious than asking someone if you can buy them a drink. Chances are they'll say they'd rather have the money.

Ohh ... I started the ball rolling with my ex-girlfriend by offering her a cigeratte. And that's not an ex I regret .. that was a good ex.

Machine: P4 2200, 512MB, GeForce4 64MB, Audigy Platinum

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Joined: 24th Nov 2002
Location: France
Posted: 28th Dec 2002 12:15
I have 14 year old friends that smoke...i am in france too. totaly unexpected

B. R. W
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Posted: 28th Dec 2002 18:35
It is spelled...
Alzheimer's Disease

Effects more than 100,000 a year.
The forth leading cause of death in adults.
Just behind, heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

Exact cause unkown.
Suspected causes genetics, virus, enviromental toxins, and immunologic changes.

And my medical books say nothing about smoking preventing this disease.

You know bleach will kill the AIDS virus too.
But I don't recomend drinking or injecting bleach.

But that's all I am going to say...

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Posted: 28th Dec 2002 20:30
I drank washing up liquid once when I was a kid so that I'd get sick and could stay off school. And I used to get up really early and hold my head against the heater so it felt like I had a temperature. Never drank bleach though, but I've never had AIDS, so ... uhh ... yeah.

That Alzheimers and smoking thing is fairly recent .. within a year or something. I heard it on the news. It's one of those "new research suggests smoking might help prevent alzheimers". When you put the words suggest, might, help and prevent together, you realise the chances are pretty slim. It's kind of like programmings IF blah AND blah AND blah AND blah AND blah THEN blah ... just to be a super geek.

Btw, my newest game is a WW2 flight simulator. I've spent ages recreating my home city using aerial photography (obviously not photos I took myself) and maps. Just need the db team to implement the free flight rotation if they ever get round to it.

Machine: P4 2200, 512MB, GeForce4 64MB, Audigy Platinum

There's a junglist inside every coder. for my own personal breakbeat terrorism.
Rob K
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Posted: 28th Dec 2002 20:31
"I have 14 year old friends that smoke...i am in france too. totaly unexpected"

>> many French seem to know sod all about the dangers of smoking. In the UK / US it is in some cases socially unacceptable to smoke - I pitty the poor frogs.

Alzheimer's Disease is possibly one of the worst imaginable ways to die... so lets change the topic

NOBODY has a forum name as stupid as Darth Shader. I do.
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Posted: 28th Dec 2002 21:08
When you smoke do you think of all the people around you that YOU are poisoning? you can get lung cancer etc. from people around you smoking e.g. in a pub where there is smoke in the air that smoke still contains all the tar n stuff that fags do so when you smoke you are endangering the lives of those around you as well as yourself.

everyone who gives up smoking feel great satisfaction that they've managed to quit and beat nicotine.

oh yeah what your view on suicide?? thing of that next time you light up.

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