I've been working on my chat program for a while now and it's just getting ready to be released, it's nothing speacial but it's going to work great in it's original purpose (so my friends and I can talk over my schools LAN).
During testing I've been using my computer as the host for the server, but I need a perminant host for it as 1) My computer is very slow and 2) I have limited broadband access so I can't leave it on 24/7.
The filesize is (currently) 49.0KB (this could increase slightly if I add some more functionality) and it will only ever have upto 100 clients connected to it at any one time (and as there is a maxamum string size of 1000 charcters (round that up to 1KB) there will only ever be 100KB sent at anyone time and less than 1KB received at any one time).
I would really appriciate if anyone here would host the server for me, I can (if you wish) give more deatials of the program flow/error handling/anything else you'd like to know. Its only been tested on a windows machine, so if you run a Linux server I'm not sure if the program will run (but hey if your up for it we can give it a try!).
If you can't host the server yourself could your possibbly point me to a webhost that will, I've tried contacting Wake Hosting but my emails juse bounce back.
Thanks alot,
~It's a common mistake to make, the rules of the English langauge
do not apply to insanity~