To kkzgreen:
Thank you very much for info about lycos.
I made a mirror at:
Can somebody try: is it ok now for UK?
The program does not save animated models, it saves
meshes in .X format and you must have additional code
in your program to make an animation from two or more poses.
The first part of code make a set of animations from 2 poses.
(see file _flip.dba)
The second part of code must be called in do:...:sync:loop
cycle to play animation. See example about ants.
To simply rotate model you must select central rorating point
(stomach) and use shift key + 1...6 keys. You can also move
model up and down using Q and W. I missed this moment from
instruction. But output model will be scaled to YSIZE=100
To The Dark Padawan
Suppose we have initial dot position x0=0,y0=0,z0 and
final dot position x1=100,y1=100,z1=100
So we can write
sync on
dim x#(50):dim y#(50):dim z#(50)
for i=0 to 50
next i
make object cube 1,20
if fr=0 then fr1=1
if fr=50 then fr1=-1
position object 1,x#(i),y#(i),z#(i)
Now we have a cube moving in 3D forward and backward (I hope this code works)
The same thing we can do for all dots in mesh. (using memblocks)
So we can make an animation set (for example 8 or 16 meshes) using only starting and ending mesh.
The biggest trouble, that some format conferters (such as DirectX mview) "reorder" or "optimize" dots and triangles order in model when save it.
This fact makes animation impossible.
My editor preserves this order and change vertex coordinates only.
To Mr Mold Rat
Is it fast?