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2D All the way! / Any Mortal Combat Type Games

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 08:23
I was just wondering if any one made a Mortal Combat type game, because i would really like to try it. Thanks!
Disco Stu
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 10:22
I'm trying to make a 2D fighter (one day I hope to do 3D, easier character animations, harder everything else).
Just using some simple sprites I made of a Rayman type character in Truespace. It's very crude and all I've got so far is a guy that walks back and forth, punches, kicks, blocks and crouches. No background either (can't be bothered making a decent background so I just use a blue screen). I'm a total noob with DB (even though I've had for a while). Maybe it's cause I'm young and don't fully understand how to use DB properly, or maybe I'm just stupid (yup probably stupid). I'll give you a copy of it as soon as you can verse the pc or another player tho. And if you want to see how a fighter is coded in DB go to and check their fighting tutorial.

Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 18:05
Hey don't put your self down Stu thats a pretty cool little game and now that I saw that game I think I will make one myself sometime soon.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 18:24
Im actually working on a straight conversion of Mortal Kombat in DBPro

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Disco Stu
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 01:51
If its a straight conversion in DBPRO it should come out a heck of a lot better then the original MK (graphics wise at least). Just don't make it like MK4 becuase that was the worst. If you've ever played any of the King of Fighter games then those would be cooler to see. But any complete fighter made in either DB or DBPRO should be pretty good, since it's not that easy to make. Best of luck to you.

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 03:51
Thanks! No don't worry I wouldn't even attempt to take MK in2 full 3D, The best games IMO were the first two (and therefore trilogy) I've got a sprite based 100% 2d version and a textured plain version (again in 2d but with a greater sense of depth to the backgrounds / Easy parralax

King of Fighters is great, I am a big SNK fan, have you ever played any Samurai Showdown and Fatal Fury games too? Plus obviously Metal Slug kicks ass

I chose to convert MK1 to begin with because of its relative simplicity (the special movesw and combat/scoring systems) - especially if you leave out the finishing moves, which I have initially to save time.

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Disco Stu
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 10:15
Ooh I'm an SNK fan too. Such a shame that a great company like that could have financial difficulties. Yeah I've played all the Samurai Showdown and Fatal Fury games too. Metal Slug is the coolest side scroller ever!! I've even the seen the anime for both KOF and Fatal Fury.

Would I be right in guessing the the textured plain version runs faster (I'd think it would if it was in DBPRO)? Parralax effects are cool in fighting games, the first time I saw the effect was in Street Fighter 2 Turbo I think.

As I remember MK1 just had a punch and kick with the jump and the special moves. There was also MK Mythologies, the one based on Sub-Zero but that was more a platformer.

Anyway I for one will eagerly await to see what you can achieve with your conversion,

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
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Posted: 4th Jan 2003 16:19
Thank you

Yes the textured plain version works better, its slightly blockier but the smoothness and speed make it look nicer overall, if less accurate a conversion

MK1 did have limited moves/buttons, but other moves were available by pressing the buttons while moving in different directions, like backwards and kick would trip the opponent, down and punch would uppercut (my favourite feature)

I had big hopes for Mythologies, it was meant to be a sidescrolling platform RPG in the MK universe. Unfortunately it was barely playable

I too love SNK/NeoGeo I actually own some NeoGeo Arcade units and ROMS including MetalSlug 1+2 Plus the consoles were damn cool, and if you don't own a Neo Geo Pocket Color, you should - if only for MS2 and the fighting games

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Disco Stu
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Posted: 5th Jan 2003 01:53
Hehe, I do own a Neo Geo Pocket Color, I've Metal Slug 2 and KOF 97 on it. Used to have a few roms somewhere (got them on a playstation cd) but I've missplaced it

"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)
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Posted: 6th Jan 2003 02:52
Cool! Gals fighters and SNKvsCapcom are also good on the NGPC
Non SNK game but Sonic Pocket Color is cool too

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