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3 Dimensional Chat / how can my character pick something up andhold it in his hand?

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 17:35
yo yo wazzup good? ok fine.. any way.. heres my problem::
u c.. in DarkBASIC not DBpro. i have created this super cool game well so far, but i cant find out how to make the character pick up a weapon or something like that.. and hold it in his hand, so that when i push the mousebutton1 (the left) he shoots... the game is in third person mode..
and 1 more thing.. i dont know how to use the mouse to look around,like in the game "harry potter" hope some1 can hear my screams for HELP!!! tnx
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 17:45
In DB: Glue object to limb.

I dunno if tis works for DB Pro.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 17:52
Yes Glue object to limb will make him hold the weapon. For the mouse look around, adapt the code from the fps example tutorial code

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 18:04
yhea ive tried that but, it didnt work for me.. it was like n first- third person game.. i told u the game is a third person game.. and i want 2 be able 2 look around the character while the camera always points at the characters back.. so when i turn the mouse right to look right the character also turns right and the camera is STILL pointing at its the fps code it is how to look around in first person mode..

Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 23:57
Use a code like:

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 00:27
grr thats why I said adapt the code! Its very similar if u think it through

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Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 24th Dec 2002 00:17
My code basically just rotates the camera around the character, if thats what you wanted, was it?

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Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 24th Dec 2002 00:19
Oh yeah, i forgot to point the camera at the character, this code will do it.

Rem charx#,chary# etc= character pos
Rem camx# etc=camera pos - camangle# = camera angle
position camera camx#,camy#,camz#
point camera charx#,chary#,charz#

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Posted: 30th Dec 2002 19:20
Hello, ive been away for some time.. xmas u know..eehhe

anyway.. it didnt work 4 me or i did it all messed up?!!?!

have u played maxpayne or harrypotter or hitman or gta3??
thats the way i want the camera 2 be...

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