New update for the 3DCW editor(09/14/04).
Please visit to get the latest release.
I think in about 3 weeks it will be compatible with DarkBasic!
3DCW – Improvements in version 0.3 (2004.09.15)
New Features:
- Optimized the program by eliminating unnecessary updates when the user is idle. The program works now faster and has better response times also when actions are performed on the scene.
Subfolders and relative paths:
- Store the paths for the images relative to the location where the scene was loaded; this enables the user to have its own directory structure or to keep each scene in a separate folder, together with its images.
- If the scene is not saved when trying to define a texture the user is prompted to save the scene.
- If the user is performing a “save as” he is warned that the path to already defined textures will be lost if the scene is saved in a different save path.
Note: the relative path rules apply also for the imported objects.
- Added “Add” submenu on to the mouse right-click menu.
- The position parameters in the Add Object dialog box are set to the position where the mouse-click was performed (the viewport x, y and a depth calculated from the depth of the portion visible in the current viewport is used to compute the X, Y, Z parameters).
- More realistic effects on the scene.
- Lights and shadows on textures.
- The user can now select shaded mode, flat mode and blend mode
- The default mode for a new added object is the flat mode
- Improved click and drag translate, rotate and scaling.
- Simplified the textures menu
- Axis in the middle of the coordinate system and with the extent of the grid.
- Renamed and resized the interface panels and windows.
- Reworked some of the interface buttons.
- Added up-down buttons in the light panel menu allowing a fine tuning of several parameters.
- Added a “Change” button in the texture selection menu allowing the changing of an already defined texture. The change will affect all the objects in the scene that were using the old texture.
- Added a “Paste exactly” options that copies the object exactly at the position of the object that was copied
Bug fixes:
- Fixed some strange behaviors of the minimap.
- Scene now reacts correctly when moving a light in the scene. Also when moving an object in the scene the light on the object is behaving as it should.
- Scaling an object on the Z coordinate disabled the lighting on the object.
- Cut, Copy and Delete options are now enabled correctly.
- Corrected situations when the View Fit option corrupted the scene.
- In the view/rendering menu the last option “Texture” is active only when the “Surface” option is enabled.
- In the view/rendering menu if the “Surface” option is disabled now all the objects in the scene are displayed in wireframe.
- Scaling and rotating an object now works on all the 3 axes not only on 2 of them.
- Corrected the effect of the various options from “View / Rendering”.
- Extended the undo/redo mechanism