This calculator can perform any calculation that DBPro can!!!
Simply make a new project in its own directory and add this code:
input "Input the question: ", question$
if file exist("calc.dba")
delete file "calc.dba"
open to write 1, "calc.dba"
write string 1, "print " + chr$(34) + "The question is " + question$ + chr$(34)
write string 1, "print " + chr$(34) + "The answer is " + chr$(34) + "+ str$(" + question$ + ")"
write string 1, "do"
write string 1, "loop"
print "Press F5 when calc.dba has been loaded"
wait 2000
execute file "calc.dba","",""
Then compile it - DO NOT EXECUTE IT!
Only execute the .exe outside of DBPro when DBPro is closed otherwise it won't work properly.
That .exe can then answer your questions"