I had 10 neons, which all died around the same day.
I've had countless plecos too. Also had some tiger barbs (ate each other, last one died probably auto-canibalism). Then there were a bunch of sword tails, which also ate each other. Also had a beautifull guppy pair that got eaten by the swordtails. I had a silver Colombian Shark, died of lack of pie. He cost me less than a dollar, the guys at LiveAquaria are charging $5! Countless bettas (betta is the correct abreviated name, not "siamese fighting fish", as "Betta Splenden" is the full name) have also taken the toilet route to fish heaven.
Now I have one Tilapia all alone in a 12 liter tank (violent little fish). 4 snails (didn't buy any of them, they just showed up out of no where) in a bowl, one golden Koi and 3 orandas in a 40 liter tank. There's also two other fish, to which I have no idea of their names, and a Cory Cat. As soon as I get a job I'm going to buy more fish. Having an aquarium financed by lunch money isn't very good.